Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

$2500 for a contract beating and waste of the budget: is the head of the Criminal Code Neteshina Petruk involved in crime?

In the satellite city of the Khmelnitsky Nuclear Power Plant there is another high-profile scandal with a hint of crime. Law enforcement officers detained a man who, for $2,500, wanted to hire a person who would cripple the village headman.

According to sources, the organizer of this criminal scheme may be the head of the capital construction department of the Netishinsky City Council, Yaroslav Petruk. His UKS appears in another high-profile case - about the misappropriation of budget funds for the construction of a school shelter.

What is really going on in Neteshyn, where did the millions allocated for the construction of bomb shelters for the townspeople go, and which local officials were involved in criminal cases?

Law enforcement officers exposed and detained a Neteshin man who allegedly wanted to hire a contractor to organize a contract beating. The victim of the attack should be the headman of a village in the Khmelnytsky region, and the price of the issue was 2.5 thousand dollars. The Khmelnytsky Regional Prosecutor's Office officially announced this on April 5.

“The organizer of the contract crime had been on hostile terms with the victim for a long time, and last November he wanted to cripple the man. He decided to implement his plan with someone else’s hands, and offered a considerable amount for the work - 2,500 US dollars. Among the requirements for the perpetrator are mutilation of the victim’s genital organs and his being in a wheelchair. After transferring the second part of the funds to the performer, the organizer was detained by law enforcement officers,” the message says.

As the editors of StopCor learned from their own sources in law enforcement agencies, we are talking about Yaroslav Petruk, director of the UKS of the executive committee of the Neteshinsky City Council.

It is noteworthy that it is the City Council department subordinate to him that is likely to appear in another high-profile criminal case. Thus, law enforcement officers opened proceedings regarding the misappropriation of budget funds during the construction of a school shelter in the satellite city of the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant. In December last year, the ceiling in the storage room began to leak, and for some reason part of the work that the UKS should perform fell on the shoulders of teachers and employees of the educational institution.


In the spotlight


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