More than 1,000 Kiev residents may be left without light, heat and basic living conditions as a result of the criminal combination of the director of the Ukrainian Construction Company Oleg Moroz and the raiders controlled by him Tatyana Khitryk and Andrey Kovalsky.
Currently, the director of CJSC “Ukrainian Construction Company” is A.V. Moroz. accumulated huge debts in the amount of more than 9 million hryvnia, collecting funds for the use of electricity from residents of the residential complex that he built, but does not pay them to the electricity supplier.
At the moment, there is a threat of disconnecting the houses located on Valeria Lobanovsky Avenue 4v and 4g from power supply, despite the fact that most residents pay UBC CJSC for consumed electricity in accordance with the indicators of apartment meters and receipts of UBC CJSC.
In our opinion, organized by Moroz A.V. the scheme for collecting funds for consumed electricity and non-payment for it to the supplier, in fact, the transformer substation and distribution substations (TP and RP) in houses 4-B and 4-G were not built, misuse and misappropriation of residents’ funds, contains signs of a criminal offense ( fraud) and poses a threat to the economic and political security of Ukraine and its citizens. He uses the same schemes at his other facilities in the city of Kyiv and the Kyiv region.
The actual leaders of UBK CJSC and many related companies are the Moroz family: son Oleg Vladimirovich and mother Tatyana Mikhailovna. Residents of all half-built and unfinished residential complexes and houses have been resisting the arbitrariness and lawlessness of the developer for many years, have the right to protect their interests and the interests of their homes, and also constantly demand the authorities to intervene in the criminal activities of UBC CJSC and related companies.
In turn, Oleg Moroz is trying in every possible way to maintain control over the houses contrary to the interests of the residents.
Here is one example. Raider takeover of condominium associations, which was created by the owners of apartments in the building at Valery Lobanovsky Avenue, 4v.
In order to realize his goal - a raider takeover of the management of an apartment building and condominiums, for the period from the end of April to June 15, 2021, the head of the Ukrainian Construction Company CJSC Oleg Moroz registered ownership of 183 of his employees and relatives for 1/500 of the basement non-residential room No. 178 (156.6 sq. m.), which consists of the main room (134.6 sq. m.), utility room (probably a technological corridor for laying electrical cables, 9.6 sq. m.) and a staircase (12.4 sq. m.), without repairs, windows and connections to any communications. Based on the fact that this room is located directly above the transformer substation room, it is likely that room No. 178 is a distribution substation room.
After this, on June 16, 2021, without any announcement of the General Meeting, without the corresponding legal holding of the General Meeting of the condominium association “CHERVONOZORYANY, 4-B”, the developer seized control of the house and the accounts of the condominium association, which, at that time, contained 480 thousand UAH . our funds. Understanding the illegality of the scam carried out on June 16, 2021, A. Moroz, with the help of three residents of the house (Tkachuk A.S.-apartment 93, spouses Khitrik T.M.-apt. 183a and Kovalsky A.S.-apt. 182) , who became part of the “initiative group”, organized the holding of the next General Meeting on July 14, 2021, in order to hide previous illegal fees. This fake meeting took place in the October Palace on a weekday at 11 am, in which 199 people allegedly took part, including 183 people, the so-called co-owners of the basement.
6 real co-owners were present at this meeting to fix this coven and control the legality and compliance with all the norms of this meeting, but their vote was not even taken into account. At the same time, taking into account the start of the meeting at 11 o’clock, as well as such a large number of people who “voted”, at 11:37 and 12:58 information on the results of this meeting had already been entered into the State Register. Composition of the new “board” of condominium associations: Chairman - Yu. Trach, a person with a debt on contributions in the amount of 50,322.92 UAH, director of UBK-Service LLC, a company that, during the period of servicing our house from 2011 to February 2019, completed the house and the technical equipment of the house to a disgraceful state, O. Moroz is the head of CJSC UBK, a company that has a debt on contributions in the amount 2,171,088, 30 UAH, his mother has a debt on contributions in the amount of 590,430, 05 UAH, Y. Talyansky is A. Moroz’s deputy, Y. Nazarchuk is A. Moroz’s foreman, T. Khitrik is the owner of apartment 183a.
Of course, after all these events, the residents of the house filed two complaints against the actions of the raiders to the Anti-Raiding Office under the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, which were considered at meetings of the Central Board of the Ministry of Justice on July 14, July 22, September 3, September 17, October 26 and November 19, 2021 of the year. As a result of the recommendations of the Anti-Raiding Office, the Minister of Justice of Ukraine signed two Orders dated November 15, 2021 No. 4087/5 and dated December 3, 2021 No. 4323/5 satisfying both of our complaints in full. These orders significantly hit the positions of the raiders, already officially recognized by the state.
Thus, on November 19, 2021, the “Chairman of the Board” was urgently changed. Y. Trach was replaced by Y. Nazarchuk. On November 20, 2021, there was an urgent change in the bank details of the condominium association “PRSPECT VALERIY LOBANOVSKOGO, 4-V” (the renaming took place on July 14, 2021). The developer Moroz A.V., with the help of his affiliated companies, appealed these orders of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in court, trying to maintain control over the captured raider using forged documents of the condominium "KRASNOZORYANY, 4-B".
As a result, on September 21, 2022, the Economic Court of the city of Kyiv, having considered in open court the materials of case No. 910/19774/21 on the claim of ART PARK LLC (the above-mentioned affiliated company of the developer) against the defendant the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for declaring unlawful and canceling the order of the Ministry Justice of Ukraine, decided: to refuse to satisfy the claims of ART PARK LLC fully.
On April 11, 2023, the Northern Economic Court of Appeal considered in open court the appeal of LLC "ART PARK" against the decision of the Economic Court of the city of Kyiv dated September 21, 2022 in case No. 910/19774/21 on the claim of the limited liability company "ART PARK" to The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, decided: to satisfy the appeal of LLC "ART PARK" in part, in parts of the claims for recognition as unlawful and cancellation of the order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine dated 15.11.2021 No. 4087/5 in terms of paragraphs 3 and 5 - the proceedings on the case are closed. the rest of the claim is dismissed. That is, the order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine was recognized as legal, except for the part concerning ART PARK LLC. But, at present, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine cannot fulfill its order and cancel the illegal registration of 182 so-called co-owners of the basement, because the developer blocked the implementation of the order with his next lawsuit, this time from his other affiliated company LLC TD PROGRESS ( case No. 910/11442/23).
Apparently, the developer has a strategic plan to block the implementation of the order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine almost for life, one by one, by filing lawsuits from all 183 so-called co-owners of the basement. Regarding the limited liability company "ART PARK", the residents of the house appealed to the Economic Court of the city of Kyiv with a statement of claim against LLC "ART PARK" to invalidate the contract for the sale and purchase of property rights to a share of non-residential premises No. 178, concluded between the seller CJSC "Ukrainian Construction company" and the buyer "ART PARK" LLC. The preparatory meeting in case No. 910/19120/23 is scheduled for January 18, 2024) The head of Ukrainian Construction Company CJSC Oleg Moroz, having full control over the illegally seized condominiums, acting through persons close to him Yu. Trach and Yu. Nazarchuk, whom he appointed to play the role of managers of condominiums, in order to avoid paying the existing debt for utility bills established by a court decision in the amount of UAH 1,678,847.36, appealed the said court decision on appeal, and the authorized representatives of the seized condominiums recognized the appeal arguments of O. Moroz, and thus, in a contractual manner, evaded collection from developer and his mother of debt obligations in the amount of more than 2.7 million UAH, which caused the condominium "KRASNOZORYANY, 4-B" damage in the specified amount.
Also, it should be noted that, following lawsuits by the residents of the house, all decisions made at the General Meeting of the condominium association “KRASNOZORYANY, 4-V” on June 16, 2021 and July 14, 2021 were declared invalid. On September 26, 2022, the Economic Court of the city of Kyiv, having examined in open court the materials of case No. 910/4782/22 on the invalidation of all decisions made at the General Meeting of the condominium "KRASNOZORYANY, 4-B" on June 16, 2021, decided to satisfy the claims in full.
On March 13, 2023, the Northern Economic Court of Appeal, having considered in open court the appeal of the condominium association “VALERIY LOBANOVSKOGO AVENUE, 4-B” against the decision of the Economic Court of the city of Kyiv dated September 26, 2022, decided: the appeal of the condominium association “VALERIY LOBANOVSKY PROSPECT, 4-B” was left without satisfaction, and the solution Economic Court of the city of Kyiv dated September 26, 2022 in case No. 910/4782/22 - no changes. On March 13, 2023, the court decision came into force. On September 18, 2023, the Economic Court of the city of Kyiv, having examined in open court the materials of case No. 910/21043/21 on the invalidation of all decisions made at the General Meeting of the condominium association "KRASNOZORYANY, 4-B" on July 14, 2021, decided to satisfy the claims in full.
Moreover, as follows from the case materials, the decisions adopted at the general meeting on July 14, 2021 were actually taken by persons (183 people from basement No. 178) who are not co-owners and are not entitled to participate in the management of condominiums, and therefore were made in violation of the Charter, in the absence of votes of more than half of the total number of co-owners, which indicates their invalidity. On October 24, 2023, the court decision came into force. On December 05, 2023, the Northern Economic Court of Appeal, having considered in open court the appeal of the condominium association “VALERIY LOBANOVSKOGO PROSPECT, 4-B” against the decision of the Economic Court of the city of Kyiv dated September 18, 2023, decided: the appeal of the condominium association “VALERIY LOBANOVSKOGO PROSPECT, 4-B” was left without satisfaction, and the solution Economic Court of the city of Kyiv dated September 18, 2023 in case No. 910/21043/21 - no changes.
Realizing that Law and justice are destroying all his raider schemes, having seen that, thanks to court decisions, all the legitimate statutory bodies of the condominium association “CHERVONOZORYANY, 4-B” have been restored and the legally elected Board of the condominium association has returned to managing the house, the developer A. Moroz did not stopped and began a new round of illegal actions, namely, on October 31, 2023, he organized another illegal General Meeting The condominium association, in which, through deceit and lies, like a bandit, passed through all the changes to the Statutory Bodies that suited it, essentially carrying out a house rebellion and, in a hurry, on the day off November 4, 2023, registered the changes in the State Register.
Obviously, after such a daring seizure of control of an apartment building by the developer and a small group of his supporters, the residents of the building reserve the right to resist arbitrariness and lawlessness, have the right to demand that the activities of the Association be returned to the legal field, and have the right to protect their interests and the interests of our building. Residents of the house filed a claim with the Economic Court of the city of Kyiv against the condominium association "CHERVONOZORYANY, 4-B" to invalidate the decision of the General Meeting of October 31, 2023, invalidate the Charter and cancel registration records.
Now the fight continues.
Now separately, a few words about the accomplices of the raider seizure of the house. House of spouses so-called member of the board of the condominium association "Krasnozvezdny, 4-B" Khitrik Tatyana Nikolaevna and her husband Kovalsky Andrey Stepanovich, who is an employee of the ICTV channel and the announcer of the all-Ukrainian information telethon "United News", unfortunately, fell under the consequences of an enemy drone hitting our house on December 21, 2023 year.
All neighbors sympathized and wished the victims' family health. But everything that began to happen soon caused surprise and indignation among the residents of the house.
Khitrik T.M. and Kovalsky A.S., actively used all media platforms to collect donations for the restoration of their apartment, located in the penthouse of our building (several stained glass windows were broken, upholstered furniture was damaged, supply and exhaust ventilation grilles fell off).
Of course, this is a personal matter for the victims, but the neighbors were very surprised to learn about A.S. Kovalsky’s registration. (born November 13, 1980, Taxpayer Identification Number 2953701555) of a TESLA MODEL Y passenger vehicle manufactured in 2022, state number AA 5225 YA, on February 21, 2024, precisely at the time when he and his family continue to collect donations, but at the same time, work on Reconstruction of the apartment has not yet begun.
Moreover, Kovalsky A.S. publicly promised to allocate half of the donations for the restoration of the house. Also, Khitrik T.M. with Kovalsky A.S., during the general meeting of the condominium association “Krasnozvezdny, 4-B” on October 31, 2023, started a fight with the residents of the house, and Khitrik T.M. caused bodily harm to our neighbor, causing he was hit on the head with a metal microphone (a pre-trial investigation was opened, included in the ERDR No. 12023105090001280 dated 02.11.2023).
Fearing responsibility for what they had done, the couple decided to make a retaliatory move, and Kovalsky A.S. filed a police report with ridiculous accusations against the injured neighbor. The pre-trial investigation was opened on November 2, 2023, and was closed on December 14, 2023. Even earlier, in the summer of 2019, Kovalsky A.S. together with his friend bought A.V. Moroz from relatives. four apartments (Nos. 183, 184, 182B, 182B), the area of which was located on the last two floors of our building (25th and 26th floors), and also illegally occupied part of the area on the technical floor 1 and resold all the areas after illegal redevelopment/reconstruction and their divisions.
So on the technical floor, instead of these four apartments, seven new ones appeared. Also, as a result of illegal redevelopment/reconstruction, apartment No. 183A appeared on the 25th floor of the building, which belongs to the spouses T.M. Khitrik. and Kovalsky A.S. This was done on the basis of false information in the declaration about the start of the reconstruction of these apartments. Khitrik T.M., being the Chairman of the organization of the Batkivshchyna party in the Solomensky district, in 2014 ran for the Kyiv City Council together with the future head of the State Civil Aviation Inspectorate of Ukraine Kudryavtsev A.M., and after an unsuccessful election campaign, she found herself in the position of chief specialist of the media relations department GASI of Ukraine.
A logical question arises about the nature of the appearance of illegal certificates and declarations. On October 05, 2023, the Solomensky District Court of the city of Kiev, having considered in open court the materials of case No. 760/15128/22 on the obligation to reconstruct apartment No. 183A at its own expense by returning it to its previous state, which existed before its illegal redevelopment/reconstruction and complies with the Technical passport for the house, I decided to satisfy the claims.
February 05, 2022 Kovalsky A.S. filed a claim with the neighbors, to whom he had previously sold an apartment in the penthouse of our building, to the Solomensky District Court of the city of Kyiv for debt collection. When considering case No. 760/1796/22, the court came to the conclusion that there was no debt of the defendants to the plaintiff, the neighbors paid for what they purchased from A.S. Kovalsky. real estate on time and in full (3180384.57 UAH).
The decision of the Solomensky District Court of the city of Kyiv was confirmed by the Court of Appeal of the city of Kyiv. The court decision came into force on August 22, 2023. Obviously, A.S. Kovalsky, who once received funds from the sale of real estate, intended to do this a second time. The defendant in the above case, on November 15, 2022, filed a statement with the Solomensky Police Department of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kiev about the commission of A.S. Kovalsky. and his accomplice in a criminal offense (fraud and other unlawful pressure on the applicant).
On February 15, 2023, the investigative judge of the Solomensky District Court of Kiev, in the framework of case No. 760/1475/23, decided to oblige the authorized officials of the Solomensky UP GU NP in Kiev to enter into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations information on the application of our neighbor about the commission of a criminal crimes and begin a pre-trial investigation.
Now the Khitrik-Kowalski family continues its destructive activities to the detriment of the residents of the house.
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