Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Alexander Katsuba, who stole Boyko's towers, illegally went abroad after a failed attempt to “whitewash” himself

Former deputy of the board of Naftogaz of Ukraine Alexander Katsuba, the same one who stole the Boyko towers under President Yanukovych, hastily went abroad after something went wrong and they did not officially want to drop the charges against him. And all this against the backdrop of the fact that he himself previously admitted this and even paid 100 million to be released.

Telegram channels write about this.

Katsuba spent a lot of money buying articles in the Ukrainian press with the headlines “Businessman offers his plan to save Ukraine” and all in vain!

Now both prosecutors and judges are trying to stay away from him and have delayed any ruling on his lawless appeal.

It is known that Katsuba, in upset feelings, illegally left Ukraine on October 24. He did this through the Mayaki-Udobnoe point by car at 19:27.

After that, he flew to Dubai to think about how to create the image of a young progressive IT specialist who had never stolen money from the budget. The wife also added to the hassle by posting new photos on social networks. Tatyana Guzenko publishes photos of her amazing outfit against the backdrop of her new place of residence - Carrer Cunit 39 in the city of Gava. The Katsub family came here to live after Monaco.

Let us remind you that investigators from the Ministry of Internal Affairs suspect Alexander Katsuba of abuse of office during his work as deputy chairman of the board of Naftogaz.

The investigation claims that Alexander Katsuba paid the Universal Commercial Company company about UAH 285 million to carry out the work. He signed the certificates of completed work, knowing that they contained deliberately false information, and the company itself had signs of being fictitious. He is also accused of fraud from 3.4 billion cubic meters of gas owned by Naftogaz, worth UAH 12 billion.

After Yanukovych fled, he went abroad. On June 17, 2016, GPU investigators detained him, and on June 18, the court arrested him for two months. Katsuba made a deal with the investigation and paid 100 million hryvnia. In March 2017, Katsuba was released from the Lukyanovsky detention center in Kyiv.


In the spotlight


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