Categories: TOP 2 Corruption

Alexander Komorny supports the demolition of schools and architectural monuments

In the brutal time of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, everyone survives as best they can.

And while the best sons of Ukraine are defending our independence at the front, the judge of the Lviv District Administrative Court, Alexander Komorny, who has been booked, continues to conduct “business” at the Lviv customs.

Alexander Komorny is a Maidan judge who received permanent status. And this is not surprising, because our hero is a member of the prosecutor's office and judges. Thus, the judge’s brother Vitaliy Komorny is a prosecutor in the Lviv region, his father Igor Komorny worked in the Rivne region as a regional prosecutor. And then - the head of the department in the Prosecutor General's Office, which dealt with representation in courts. Dmitry Chuvashov, cousin of Vitaly and Alexander Komorny - in the Zaporozhye region - deputy head of the local prosecutor's office.

Mutual responsibility in the Lviv region is preserved thanks to such clans, and there are many similar cases of judicial and prosecutorial dynasties. Have no doubt, the positions of such prosecutors are certainly associated with their participation in the courts. This is the “law” of the unpunished.

Over the years of his judicial activity, Alexander Komorny earned himself a reputation as “a judge for Lviv customs officers.”

Thus, in 2022, by his decision in case No. 380/15500/22, he resumed the post of sanctioned smuggler Ivan Bokal, deputy head of VMO No. 6 MP “Yavoriv” of Lviv Customs, Orest Osshust. But he was caught red-handed after a scandal at the Grushev checkpoint with new household appliances.

Then the judge collected 35,986.65 UAH from the customs officer and allowed him to immediately exercise his official powers.

The media have repeatedly reported that Judge Komorny is very fond of customs officers as participants in trials.

As an example, a corrupt Lvov customs officer is caught, he is fired, and then through the court he is reinstated at work. They also charge average earnings. At one time, Judge Komorny’s proceedings included cases of reinstatement of the head of the municipal enterprise “Gorodok”, the head of VMO No. 6 of the municipal enterprise “Yavorov” and the case of the odious customs officer Roman Rifyak, a representative of the “Krakovets clan”. It is surprising that “only by luck” these cases ended up before Judge Komorny.

In addition to protecting the interests of corrupt customs officers, our judge sometimes considers everyday issues. For example, it makes decisions on the demolition of schools and the construction of shopping centers in their place.

Thanks to Komorny, the court allowed construction to resume in Bryukhovichi, where they planned to demolish a school and where, according to the court, the developer should not have received permission from the city council.

In February 2023, the judge decided that the commission for fuel and safety and emergency situations is not a body that can make decisions in the urban planning field. And what about the construction work itself on the street. Wide, 2 no problems with them.

In addition, the court found that Lviv Health Resort paid 247.6 thousand UAH of compensation for cut trees to the budget of the Bryukhovichi village council in October 2021.

Judge Alexander Komorny fully satisfied the enterprise's claim and declared the demolition of the construction fence on the street illegal. Wide, 2.

The judge also supports decisions to destroy architectural monuments of local significance. An architectural monument of local significance, Villa "Lucia" 1896 on the street. They tried to rebuild Sventsitsky in Lviv.

The owner of the building reduced it to ruins and tried to cancel the status of a monument, for which he received a fine from the City Council in the amount of 170 thousand UAH.

The claim was filed in 2018 and was resumed in 2022. Referring to the court's overturned decision to include the villa as a monument, judge of the Lviv District Administrative Court Alexander Komorny on March 3, 2023, canceled the imposed fine.

Judge Komorny became so insolent that at one time he deprived the executive committee of the Lviv City Council of the authority to issue urban planning conditions and restrictions on construction or reconstruction on the territory of the entire UTG. True, not for long.

In defense of the judge, we must say that we found one fact when we could not agree with him. Thus, in 2021, Lviv police criminologist Sergei Sery, who was fired for driving under drugs, was unable to resume work.

In May 2021, judge of the Lviv District Administrative Court Alexander Komorny rejected Sergei Seryi’s claim for reinstatement, and on October 1, this decision was confirmed by the court of appeal. But the matter was absolutely lost.


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