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Alexander Slobozhenko “laundered” more than 200 million and received suspicion

Kyiv blogger and millionaire Alexander Slobozhenko was reported on suspicion of tax evasion on a particularly large scale, as well as legalization of property obtained by criminal means. Law enforcement officers became interested in Slobozhenko’s activities

The press service of the Prosecutor General reports the arrest of the blogger.

According to the investigation, he earned this money from unregistered business activities related to Internet traffic arbitrage. To conceal his income, the blogger transferred money into cryptocurrency through payment systems and electronic wallets registered to him and his authorized representatives. Then these funds were poured through exchange offices in Kyiv and other cities.

“Slobozhenko did not declare the received assets in his property declarations for 2020-2023 and did not pay taxes on these funds, which led to tax evasion in the amount of 213 million hryvnia. The blogger used part of these funds to purchase luxury real estate and premium cars, transferring them to his relatives and close associates in order to hide the property,” the message says.

Slobozhenko is suspected of deliberate tax evasion on an especially large scale and legalization of property obtained by criminal means. Law enforcement officers continue to identify other participants in the crime and are preparing to suspect other persons involved.


Alexander Slobozhenko was the hero of several media , where our journalists talked about his activities, including the millionaire’s travel abroad during the war.

The guy and his friends traveled to Europe at a time when mobilization was continuing in Ukraine.

The basis for Slobozhenko’s departure is his unfitness for military service “for health reasons.” This is exactly the data indicated in the relevant certificates dating back to 2022. Then the blogger refused to comment on his “trips”.

Journalists also learned that Slobozhenko was probably able to fraudulently earn more than 25 million euros due to a failure in the SPENDGE virtual card service. Slobozhenko’s team boldly took advantage of the program error and carried out a series of frauds, misappropriating funds.


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