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Alexey Chernyshov lied again

More than 80% of the gas transferred to the OGTSU does not meet the requirements of the GTS Code, which means that low-quality “commercial” gas is supplied to consumers.

On July 2, the head of Naftogaz, Alexey Chernyshov, announced an increase in gas production by the group over the six months by 8% - to 7.3 billion cubic meters. m.

The secret of success, according to him, is the launch of 41 wells, which is one more than planned.

Chernyshov’s latest victorious reports were commented on by oil and gas industry expert Vladimir Shcherbina, who noted:

  1. On July 2, the data from the fields at JSC “Ukrgasvydobuvannya” had not yet been compiled into reports. Therefore, Mr. Chernyshov operated with data from “Commercial Gas”, or more precisely, data from commercial metering stations of OGTSU on the volumes of gas transferred to the gas transmission system and data from metering stations on gas transferred directly to the gas network.
  2. Which volume from what Mr. Chernyshov indicated is considered “commercial”? Here's the main question. After all, more than 80% of the gas transferred to the OGTSU does not meet the requirements of the GTS Code, which means it is not high-quality “commercial” gas.
  3. In fact, at the beginning of June 2024, 41 or 42 wells in the company JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya operate with a flow rate of 100 thousand cubic meters per day or more.
  4. In 2024, at the Shebelinkagazdobycha branch of the GPU, 16 wells are operating with a flow rate of 100 thousand cubic meters per day or more, and the total number of operating wells is approximately 1,343 units. That is, 1.2% are wells with a flow rate of 100 thousand cubic meters or more.
  5. In 2023 (for the same period), at the branch of the State Public Institution “Shebelinkagazdobycha” 10 wells operated with a flow rate of 100 thousand cubic meters/day or more (there is only one well at the Mospanovsky gas condensate field), and the total stock of operating wells is approximately 1297 units. That is, 0.77% were wells with a flow rate of 100 thousand cubic meters or more.
  6. As of June 2024, 11 wells are in operation at the Mospanovskoye and Zapadno-Belozerskoye gas and condensate fields with a flow rate of 100 thousand cubic meters per day or more.

Let me summarize:

Due to violation of the requirements of regulatory documents and legislation, without GEO-2 approved by the State Reserves Committee of Ukraine and the DPR Project, the company Ukrgazdobycha JSC took more than the “standardized” volume of gas from the Mospanovskoye and Zapadno-Belozerskoye gas condensate fields. Accordingly, these two fields and Yuzhno-Kolomatskoye (Kolomatskoye) provided the company with the main increase in gas and condensate production.


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