Thursday, October 3, 2024

In the spotlight

Is Andrei Panechko involved in the Grinkevichs’ corruption schemes?

Did they profit from the defenders at the height of the war? The high-profile case of the Grinkevich family, whose companies entered into billion-dollar contracts with the Ministry of Defense, has already become a symbol of corruption. However, there were probably other top players in the “scheme”. According to the investigation, the accomplices of the “equipment” could have been the heads of the enterprises, Evgeniy Dzhura and Andrei Panechko, who, together with the Grinkevichs, seemed to inflate prices for military equipment.

How did Lviv companies cause damage to the state amounting to tens of millions of hryvnia? And what does this have to do with the sons and assistants of businessman Andrei Panechko, who lead a luxurious lifestyle and probably have problems with the law?

So, as law enforcement officers found out, officials of such enterprises as UP Renaissance and Akropolis may be accomplices in the “scheme.” Their leaders, according to information and analytical platforms, are Evgeniy Dzhura and Andrey Panechko. According to KVED, the main activity of these structures is... the production of travel bags.

But during 2022-2023, officials of these two enterprises, together with the Grinkevichs, likely inflated prices for military equipment. The editors of StopCor came into the hands of individual contracts and proposals concluded by Akropolis.

According to documents, the initial price offer for a backpack for one unit was 1,680 UAH, but in the purchase agreement another figure appears - 2,195 UAH.

These goods were then supplied at probably inflated prices to military units under defense contracts. As a result of this “scheme”, its organizers received a significant amount of budget funds, which, it seems, were used for personal gain.

Thus, the documented damage to the state from this activity alone amounts to more than UAH 65 million.

At the same time, the participants of the “equipment” themselves do not seem to deny themselves a luxurious lifestyle. So, according to sources, Evgeniy Dzhur has a BMW X-6 and a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

In addition, Andrei Panechko’s sons Vladimir and Nikolai Panechko, as well as his assistant Andrei Prokhorovsky, probably helped organize the “family scheme” for Andrei Panechko.

The latter, by the way, has an office in the capital, owns an estate in the Kyiv region, and the elite hotel “SV” in Lviv. And Mr. Prokhorovsky drives a Lexus LS. Owning such a fortune, he is a defendant in criminal proceedings for fraud committed on a large scale.

According to information available to law enforcement agencies, in 2022, Andrei Prokhorovsky, through his enterprise RA.DA LLC, may have organized an illegal scheme for the import and sale of helmets and body armor at inflated prices, which were subsequently supplied to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Moreover, according to our sources, Vladimir Panechko was directly involved in the logistics of these supplies and all negotiations with Prokhorovsky. It was probably through him that goods from China reached other participants in the scheme, including the Grinkevichs.

Members of the Paneczk family also came to the attention of the media due to their luxurious lifestyle and problems with the law.

For example, Andrei Panechko became a participant in a “drunk” road accident, and Vladimir is a defendant in the case of the theft of budget funds by the Akropolis company under contracts with the Ministry of Defense.

It is worth adding that, according to sources in the State Border Service, from the beginning of 2022 to 2024, Vladimir Panechko repeatedly traveled outside of Ukraine as a driver for a charitable organization allegedly providing road transport.

Let us recall that, as it became known earlier, in the family “scheme” of the Grinkevichs, it seems there were also accomplices - two Lviv enterprises, in which there is a joint director. This is evidenced by data from sources in law enforcement agencies, as well as individual details of the supply of goods to the Ministry of Defense, the State Emergency Service and the National Guard, which became known after analyzing the documents received by the editors.


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