Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

People's Deputy Goncharenko's father was arrested

The father of Verkhovna Rada deputy Alexey Goncharenko, Alexey Kostusev, was arrested in his absence by a decision of the High Anti-Corruption Court on December 11.

The ex-mayor of Odessa Kostusev is suspected of illegally taking over the Odessa International Airport.

On December 11, the VACS investigative judge, at the request of NABU detectives, agreed upon by the SAPO prosecutor, chose a preventive measure for Kostusev in the case of illegal acquisition of the property complex of a strategic facility - the Odessa International Airport and 2.5 billion UAH of income from its activities.

The court granted the petition and chose a preventive measure for Father Goncharenko in the form of detention.

After Kostusev is detained and taken to the place of the pre-trial investigation, the investigating judge will decide on the application of this preventive measure.

Earlier, Goncharenko said that his father did not take part in his upbringing and divorced his mother. In addition, the people's deputy said that he had not communicated with his father since 2009.

The father of People's Deputy Goncharenko is suspected of appropriating the Odessa airport.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau has put on the wanted list the father of Verkhovna Rada deputy from “European Solidarity” Alexey Goncharenko, Alexey Kostusev.

NABU reported suspicion of taking over the Odessa International Airport and 2.5 billion UAH of income from its activities to 5 persons, including the former Odessa mayor Alexey Kostusev (father of People's Deputy Alexey Goncharenko), his former deputy, the head of one of the limited liability companies businessmen Boris Kaufman and Alexander Granovsky are also responsible.


In the spotlight


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