Thursday, July 4, 2024

In the spotlight

Arsen Zhumadilov, the chief procurement officer of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, has citizenship of the Russian Federation and was engaged in business activities in Crimea

According to Arsen Kuatovich, having a Russian passport for his wife is not a problem. However, it raises questions why the head of the state enterprise “State Operator of the Rear” with a Russian passport was engaged in transportation in the occupied Crimea through a group of companies such as Atlant-service, Crimean Style LLC, and acquired real estate there.

The editors of the IZDATO website learned about this.

Everyone in Ukraine has heard about “17 eggs,” which were purchased for the needs of the Ministry of Defense. To say that this caused discontent among society is to say nothing.

Understanding the importance of everything related to the Ukrainian defense forces, it was decided to change the procurement processes and their implementation. That is why on November 4, 2022, the STATE ENTERPRISE of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine “Defense Procurement Agency” (SE “State Logistics Operator”) was created.

A professional in the field of procurement (previously headed by the State Enterprise “Medical Procurement of Ukraine”), Arsen Kuatovich Zhumadilov, was invited to head the newly created enterprise.

Before his appointment, Mr. Zhumadilov’s reputation was not criticized and was formed under the influence of his public activities as a social activist, a fighter for the rights of the Crimean Tatars and a champion of corruption.

The first “blow” to his reputation was dealt by the situation with his wife having a Russian passport. Mr. Arsen does not consider this a problem, because in his note dated November 15, 2023 (!) he refers to “the insignificance of such a passport in the understanding of Ukrainian legislation.”

According to the declaration for 2022, published on the NAPC website 10/17/2023 10:00 Arsen Zhumadilov and Murat Zhumadilov are co-owners of an asset in the territory of BOT Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and ownership was formalized after the occupation of the peninsula.

What have we learned?

Permanently resides in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

In 2015, I posted an advertisement about the loss of my driver’s license. Contact number starts with +7

The photo for the avatar on the forum about searching for a driver's license can be found in the cache of the page


Screenshot of the page at

Nice dog, right?

It is also posted on one of the Facebook pages

This same page is the administrator of the Facebook group “Chongar-Chaplinka-Kalanchak”

Additionally, an interview for the “Crimea.Realities” program for Radio Liberty was confirmed.

The group still exists now , and the list of administrators includes the Zhumadilov brothers and Arsen Zhumadilov’s wife with Russian citizenship .

What does the group do?

The group was created to promote “transfer” services to and from the territory of VOT Crimea. After the start of the full-scale invasion, the group did not cease its activities and continues to provide transfer services, and the proposed routes include travel through the occupied territories with final destinations in Europe (travel through the territory of Ukraine), Georgia (via the Russian Federation) and to the aggressor country as a whole.

The main business activity within the group is carried out through Atlant-service, a link to the resource of which is posted on the official page of Murat Zhumadilov

Among the contact numbers there is 0501313999, and according to YouControl is listed as a contact for Crimean Style LLC (founder and beneficial owner - Zhumadilov Murat Kuatovich).

The activity is not limited only to transportation, because in the TG channel of the group there are often offers to “exchange” hryvnias for rubles, carried out by the “administrator”.

PS The card in the message belongs to Murat Zh. I wonder who it is?

These services are indicated on the atlantservice website and in the profile description in Telegram

By the way, in 2017, Mr. Murat Zhumadilov applied to the occupation authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to exchange his driver’s license.

Can such actions be considered recognition of the occupying power?

Also, in February 2020, the Simferopol District Court considered the claim of Murat Kuatovich Zhumadilov for the recovery of three cars that he paid for but never received.

Looking at the feedback email and at the Ukrainian contact numbers of “Atlant Service” (registered under Alyadinov Shamil Alimovich, Russian Federation Taxpayer Identification Number: 910202670400, registration date: 04/21/2021) we see a coincidence of numbers in the phone numbers and the “name” of the email.

And the most interesting thing

Zhumadilov Murat Kuatovich received a Russian passport in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on December 25, 2014.

It seems that his wife’s “insignificant” passport, according to Arsen Zhumadilov, is not the biggest of his potential reputational problems.

As for Defense Minister Rustem Umerov, who did he bring to the defense department? And what is this “special check” that Zhumadilov underwent and which did not reveal such blatant facts?

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In the spotlight


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