Friday, July 5, 2024

In the spotlight

Biden signs temporary budget without aid to Ukraine to avoid shutdown

US President Joe Biden signed a short-term government funding bill to avoid a government shutdown that does not include funding to support either Ukraine or Israel.

The U.S. Senate gave final approval to the package late Wednesday, about 48 hours before the deadline before the government shutdown at midnight Friday. The project will extend funding for government work until mid-January and early February.

The bill extends funding through Jan. 19 for priority sectors such as military construction, veterans' support, transportation, housing and energy. Other government functions will be funded until February 2.

Thus, Biden moved the fight with Republicans in the US Congress over the federal budget into the new year.

The spending bill does not include the White House's request for nearly $106 billion covering aid to Israel and Ukraine.


  • It was reported that a combined package of bills, which includes aid to Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and border strengthening, is planned to be considered in the Senate after Thanksgiving, which will be celebrated in the United States on November 23.
  • Republican Congressman Don Bacon stated that the House of Representatives as a whole already knows what to do with the Ukraine aid bill, as well as approximately how much money they want to allocate to Kyiv. In his opinion, the review could take place in December.
  • The Biden administration is urging Congress to quickly approve the White House's aid request for Ukraine to prevent serious consequences for its defense capabilities.

In the spotlight


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