Categories: WORLD

Belarus is losing profitability even on other continents

What to do when Belarusian products lose profitability even on other continents, and the country’s population is greeted abroad better than at home?

Lukashenko and Putin continue to speak at press conferences and pour propaganda into people’s ears about “everything is fine” and “we can handle it ourselves,” but what to do if the sanctions of the “decaying West” deprive Belarus of the opportunity to supply its products even to the other side of the world?

The self-proclaimed President of the Republic of Belarus, Lukashenko, endlessly believed that the relevance of imported products in friendly states would help keep the country’s economy afloat, but America, understanding the distinctive common feature of totalitarian regimes with skill in circumventing sanctions and managing to impose on the population that everything is under control, was ahead of the strategies of the allied states and sanctions affected Belarus’ cooperation even with Africa. A multimillion-dollar contract in the fields of agriculture, water technology, food processing and trade was postponed at the discussion stage - Algerian representatives politely shook hands with Belarusian officials and decided not to get involved with sanctioned companies, so as not to fall out of favor with the hegemon of modern geopolitics - America.

Economic disappointments also affected entrepreneurs - based on winter period analytics, the profits of Belarusian companies decreased by 27.6% compared to the same season last year, and everything, as it turned out, is connected with the import ban and sanctions, which primarily affect the country’s population. which pays taxes and tries to maintain the competitiveness of its business.

According to estimates, there are 19 more unprofitable organizations than a year ago, and return on sales decreased from 8.1% to 5.9%. The head of state advised entrepreneurs not to despair, but rather to forget about European imports “at all, especially in such difficult times for the country,” as he explained at a regular press conference for governors.

While the authorities are engaged in encouraging the population, as well as actively agitating Belarusians to forget about the benefits of a tolerant liberal Europe, in which, according to Lukashenko, Belarusians are hated and despised, the country’s democratic forces systematically hold diplomatic meetings, where they are happily greeted by representatives of other countries - Canada, Poland , Italy and others.

Understanding the attitude of the international community towards Belarusians, the population of the country is trying in every possible way to go abroad, but even in this the government infringes on people - it is trying in every possible way to interfere, or worse, to condemn them for something in order to ensure that the population stays in the country. Against this backdrop, people are massively trying to get out of the trap, even taking into account the risk of illegally crossing the border, just so as not to remain in a place where democracy is not a right, but a crime. But it’s not difficult to predict how this very Motherland, in the hands of a dictator, will repay all supporters of the regime.


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