Information has appeared online that the Binance crypto exchange has begun massively blocking accounts of users from Ukraine. The Incrypted team has reached out to the company for comment.
Please note that there is no official information about blocking and deleting accounts. Data about this is distributed in thematic Telegram channels. For example:
In the Incrypted chat they also confirmed the situation, providing a screenshot of the exchange’s email request:
Crypto blogger Bogdan Tymoshchuk, known under the pseudonym TumoBog, also announced the blocking of his account.
Binance, in a conversation with Incrypted, stated that “at the moment, no separate measures are being applied to clients from Ukraine.”
“On our part, we are making every effort to promptly verify each individual case, and other teams, in turn, are actively working with those users affected by this problem.”
The company indicated that it works closely with law enforcement agencies, which may freeze accounts during detective efforts.
“It is important to understand that law enforcement agencies often need to freeze multiple accounts to determine which ones are relevant to an investigation and which ones are not. “Unfortunately, this means that these measures may in some cases affect ordinary users,” the company added.
Binance representatives also emphasized that the responsibility for managing their crypto assets lies with users:
“It is therefore extremely important to know where users are sending their funds and where they are receiving them from.”
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