Wednesday, July 24, 2024

In the spotlight

More than UAH 2.6 million in losses from cutting down healthy trees in the Kharkov region: the suspect was exposed

Prosecutors of the Specialized Environmental Prosecutor's Office of the Kharkov Regional Prosecutor's Office approved and submitted to the court an indictment against the forest owner for official negligence, which led to significant losses.

This was reported by the press service of the Kharkov Regional Prosecutor's Office.

According to the investigation, the owner of the forest of the Zmievsky Forestry branch of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” did not carry out proper control over compliance with forestry legislation and did not ensure the protection of the forest from illegal logging.

“In May 2023, during selective sanitary felling in the forestry enterprise, unknown persons illegally cut down and removed almost 300 healthy trees. Due to improper performance of his duties, the forest master did not notice these violations,” the message says.

According to the conclusions of a comprehensive judicial economic and engineering-ecological examination, the state suffered damage in the amount of more than UAH 2.6 million.

The owner was exposed by law enforcement officers, and he will be tried in the Zmievsky District Court of the Kharkov region.

“The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of two to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years and with or without a fine of 250 to 750 tax-free minimum incomes of citizens,” they specified. law enforcement officers.

Other defendants in this criminal proceeding are being identified.


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