Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Has the fight against money laundering in Ukraine reached a new level?

We are talking about Artem Chekhlov, director of the department for preventing financial transactions of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.

He, according to the website of the NACP (the only state register of persons who have committed corruption or corruption-related offenses), is a corrupt official of the tax service.

"How is this possible? Does NAPC even exist in Ukraine? The NAPC with its lists is a fiction, and the constitutional principle of equality before the law of all and justice is a piece of paper. In which democratic state can a person officially recognized as a corrupt official be in public service? Trouble. And it’s not that foreign partners see this. But the point is disrespect for oneself and one’s own laws. So who will then respect us? Datiya was fired only for the notes, and Chekhlov will be fired for a corruption offense. corrupt officials. As they say, “Kozanostra is the interests of only the family,” the state will wait,” says the publication of the Accents portal.

Apparently, not all corrupt officials in Ukraine will face fair punishment. Some are treated like the photographers of the National Geography channel: they catch the corrupt official, weigh them, smack them and let them go.

Source ZNAJ

In the spotlight


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