Categories: WORLD

Boutique for Rostec

In St. Petersburg, the Lesnikovs’ apartment building on Khersonskaya Street was sensationally sold the other day: they asked for 64 million rubles for the building, but they sold it for 132 million.

The second surprise is that the new owner is JSC Scientific Instruments, which is somehow connected with the state corporation Rostec.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the price of a generally unpresentable building built in 1868 has doubled? 8 applicants took part in the auction, but the golden number was pulled out by Scientific Instruments, the registrant of which is Oboronregister LLC, so to speak, a “subsidiary” of the state corporation Rostec.

But, on the other hand, this apartment building is located in the very center of Northern Palmyra: nearby is Nevsky Prospekt, Sinopskaya Embankment, and in the same area is the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The place, needless to say, is wonderful.

The media have already suggested that the sloppy-looking building will soon be demolished, and in its place either an apartment complex or a boutique hotel will be built...

But the defenders of historical places of St. Petersburg are sharply against it!

But the family of General Chemezov has a lot of luxury real estate both in Moscow and in the Krasnodar Territory, so why not add a former apartment building on Khersonskaya Street in St. Petersburg, especially if there is an opportunity? And there are clever people who help make a fairy tale come true?

The correspondent looked into the situation with the apartment building.

Russian Post has moved out

The Lesnikovs' apartment building was built according to the design of the architect Ivan Bulanov. Not so long ago, this historic building housed Russian Post, but eventually moved out. And the three-story building was mothballed.

During the auction, the price actually doubled - to 132.59 million rubles.

According to the Russian Auction House, premises with a total area of ​​1166.8 square meters were sold at these auctions. meters. They occupy almost the entire building, with the exception of a 40-meter built-in room.

And this built-in premises remains the property of St. Petersburg.

The Scientific Instruments company, which acquired the former apartment building of the Lesnikovs, produces instruments and equipment that are in demand in science, manufacturing, forensics, education, banking and trade.

“However, in modern realities it is too early to completely relax. The exact plans of the buyer for this building are still unknown,” activists of the “Central District for a Comfortable Living Environment” write on VKontakte.

“Once they tried to rejuvenate the house by more than a hundred years in order to calmly demolish it and build another seal in its place. It’s good that this was discovered and prevented... We would like to immediately warn the new owners of the building that we are still keeping our finger on the pulse and will strictly suppress any attempts at demolition. There will be trials and protests.”

These are the prospects.

Is Vnesheconombank also in business?

Undoubtedly, Scientific Instruments JSC is an interesting company. And what is especially curious about this office is the frequent change of general directors.

At one time, the office was headed by a certain Andrei Evgenievich Lukyanov, a full-time employee of Vnesheconombank since 2012.

And Mr. Lukyanov worked at Scientific Instruments JSC from September 22, 2020 to September 16, 2021.

On top of that, Andrey Lukyanov is the head of 4 offices.

And the founder of 10 different companies.

And when Andrei Evgenievich Lukyanov left JSC “Scientific Instruments” (but did not go very far), he was replaced by a certain Elena Igorevna Pakhomova.

And Mr. Lukyanov is far away. Indeed, he did not sail, he is still connected with JSC Scientific Instruments, especially since Mrs. Pakhomova also left and came.

And today it is in “interim” status.

Let us recall that the registrar of Scientific Instruments JSC is Oboronregister LLC, a structure close to the Rostec corporation.

That's how cool everything is twisted!

“Delicate orders”?

JSC (former CJSC) “Scientific Instruments”, short information:

August 13, 1990. Registration of a legal entity.

December 7, 2015: authorized capital of a legal entity – RUB 100,080,000.

On September 23, 2020 there was a change of leadership:

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Elokhin left, Andrey Evgenievich Lukyanov came.

September 17, 2021.

Again there was a change of boss: Andrei Evgenievich Lukyanov left, Elena Igorevna Pakhomova arrived.

March 14, 2022.

Change of manager - Elena Igorevna Pakhomova left, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Rudenko came.

January 19, 2023.

Change of leader. Dmitry Aleksandrovich Rudenko left, Elena Igorevna Pakhomova appeared again...

I wonder what this game of bosses could be connected with?

In any case, this office is closely connected with the Rostec Group of Companies.

And, apparently, he carries out delicate instructions from a state corporation.

In addition, Scientific Instruments JSC has 7 licenses, including those from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and FSTEC of the Russian Federation (Federal Service for Technical and Export Control).

The government procurement of Scientific Instruments JSC is also impressive: recently the company has been a supplier in 88 government contracts worth 283,191,239 rubles.

But they asked us to buy an apartment building in the center of St. Petersburg. And they bought it, leaving 7 contenders behind!

But Oboronregister LLC also has generous government contracts. This LLC works with JSC Concern VKO Almaz-Antey, with the National Research Center Kurchatov Institute - PNPI, etc.

The question remains: what will happen now on the site of the Lesnikovs’ former apartment building? And why was there such a stir around the sale?

Most likely, it’s precisely the location of the object – is the center of St. Petersburg worth a lot?


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