
Selling a position for a million is easy

But to get it in reality - a real quest that can be completed without government representatives - is impossible. I see it online...

3 hours ago

“Heated up” a community worth millions: in the Chernigov region, the head of the OTG is sabotaging the investigation into the actions of an unscrupulous contractor?

In the Chernihiv region, namely in the Kulikov community, a rather interesting situation is happening related to the repair of the road surface and the fact of abuse...

10 hours ago

The daughter of judge Anatoly Korshun leased a Porsche Cayenne to her father

The daughter of the head of the third appellate administrative court (Dnepr), Anatoly Korshun, leased a Porsche Cayenne to her father during the war. This is what is being said...

1 day ago

Judge from Odessa Denis Dontsov and his wife received expensive cars for use during the war

During the war, Primorsky District Court judge Denis Dontsov and his wife Oksana registered the use of expensive cars owned by his father-in-law...

3 days ago

$1.7 million for senior positions at customs: NABU prevented corruption in the State Customs Service

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) together with the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) prevented an attempt by a group of individuals to organize corruption schemes through the appointment...

3 days ago

Apartment in Turkey and Verbitsky's luxury cars

NACP found Verbitsky had unsubstantiated assets worth UAH 29 million. The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption identified signs of a corruption criminal…

4 days ago

In the Kirovograd region, the commander of a military unit “warmed up” his hands for 12 million in procurement

In the Kirovograd region, the commander of a military unit came under suspicion due to official negligence. The commander’s negligence, discovered by the DBI and the SBU, led to...

5 days ago

“Kickbacks” and “godfather from the SBI” - the secrets of success of the owner of UkrKhimTech Pavel Bartkovsky

A well-known player in the market of detergents and disinfectants, owner of the Ukrainian Chemical Technologies company Pavel Bartkovsky, uses “recoil schemes” in his work...

6 days ago

The SBU exposed the former head of the Western Interregional Directorate of the Ministry of Justice for corruption

The former head of the interregional structure of the Ministry of Justice involved several of his subordinates in the illegal mechanism. The Security Service eliminated a corruption scheme in the Western Interregional...

6 days ago

How Fedyuk, Antoshchuk, Kostenko “earn” millions during the war

Meet the newly-made “golden” millionaires during the war - Deputy Head of the Odessa Regional Prosecutor's Office Alexey Fedyuk, a prosecutor from the Odessa region...

1 week ago

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