The words “Yanukovych”, “Family”, “Sasha the dentist”, “Mezhyhirya” - all of them are associated with the past, which seems already distant, especially in the context of the current war...
While Ermak leads a successful campaign overseas, his subordinates continue to demonstrate aggressive behavior. It is noticeable that even in...
During the two years of the war with Russia, senior detective of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau Laima Gorbenko (now Oberemok) received gifts amounting to almost...
The state company Centrenergo imports coal of Russian origin into Ukraine, the process is managed by Andrey Vengrin, responsible for the mines in Lviv, and...
Each of you is probably aware of lithium and lithium batteries used by Elon Musk in his Tesla cars, as well as in...
This situation is reminiscent of the Egyptian scheme with photography on camels, only in the Ukrainian version. For a photo on a camel they will charge you e-hryvnia...
In order to hide theft more effectively, some choose the path of “anti-corruption”. The former head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) Dmitry…
KM Disti LLC won the tender of the National Police of Ukraine on November 24 for the supply of helmets in the amount of UAH 85 million, excluding…
“The former adviser to the head of the Agency for Tracing and Asset Management of Elena Duma regularly appears at the agency’s office and gives instructions to it...
As you know, on December 8, the Kyiv authorities closed 6 stations of the Kyiv metro from Lybidskaya to Teremky. Metro movement between the above stations...
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