
Near Odessa, a 20-year-old student won a tender for the renovation of two kindergartens: 1.25 million is already available

It is not yet known whether the 20-year-old student has any experience in carrying out repairs to shelters or heating systems. Without the use of electronic...

2 months ago

The family has an acting Minister of Sports Matvey Bedny found business and possible contracts with the Russian defense industry

During the Olympics, public attention is focused on the state of domestic sports. And although the composition of functionaries has recently undergone changes, the “updated” personnel…

2 months ago

There are fortifications, but no salaries: the “amber baron” Panechko collects tribute from contractors

There is information that fortifications on the border with Belarus and the Volyn region are 99% complete. However, there is a very unpleasant fact...

2 months ago

NABU and NAPC “buried” the corruption case of Odessa Regional Council deputy Oleg Kutateladze

He was accused of falsely declaring property worth 70 million hryvnia. NABU and NAPC “buried” the case of false declaration by a deputy of Odessa...

2 months ago

Corruption octopus in the State Lexic Service

Recently, the Laboratory of the Institute of Public Health named after. Marzeeva addressed the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky and the Prime Minister, the leadership of the SBU and the Ministry...

2 months ago

People's Deputy of the Kyiv City Council Vadim Gerashchenko acquired a Range Rover for 10 million during the war

For all our dear readers who are interested in the political realities in Ukraine, there is some very “interesting” news. Information has emerged that a party member...

2 months ago

Family contract between judge and lawyer Badger: The carnival of corruption continues

Well, friends, this is an episode of our multi-part show called “The Ukrainian Judicial System.” The main character is Marina Anatolyevna Barsuk,...

2 months ago

Yuri Panechko collects 7% from contracts for the construction of fortifications

Fortifications on the border with Belarus and the Volyn region are 99% complete, but some contractors cannot pay the workers.…

2 months ago

How the state agricultural company “Kviti Ukrainy” was defrauded and what does Deputy Prime Minister Kubrakov and NABU have to do with it

The fight against corruption in Ukraine is obviously taking on distorted forms. This is manifested, in particular, in the use of anti-corruption bodies for political purposes and...

2 months ago

They want to spend 10 million UAH for consultation on the restoration of Okhmadet: who is the contractor?

Some very alarming news for taxpayers has arrived. It turned out that for a consultation on the restoration of the modern building of the NDSL "Okhmatdyt", damaged as a result of the attack...

2 months ago

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