While Ukrainian bloggers actively support Ukrainian culture and language during the war with Russia, one piece of news unexpectedly caused a wave of discussions.…
The detective of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine finally complied with the order of the investigating judge VAKS and, despite the resistance of the director of NABU Krivonos, finally registered...
The state-owned enterprise “63 Boiler-Welding Plant” in Ivano-Frankovsk, founded in 1945 as a front-line auto repair shop, was sold at auction for...
Political scientist Alexey Kurpas in his blog shared information regarding the connections of the famous Ukrainian coach and former football player Sergei Nagornyak with Russian...
The National Anti-Corruption Bureau has put on the wanted list the co-owner of the Czech company Belanto trade sro, Vladislav Klischar, whom NABU and SAPO suspect of…
The budget lost 823 million euros due to the illegal cigarette market - KPMG. The market for illegal cigarettes in European countries has been growing for the fifth year...
An official of the Kharkov regional prosecutor's office, Andrei Lazarev, purchased a Rolex watch during the war. The prosecutor noted this in his declaration...
Deputy of the Podolsk City Council Irina Malokhovich, representing the Servant of the People party since 2020, posted photos on social networks from the Spanish resort of Palma de Mallorca.…
Ukraine has become an attractive market for Balkan gunsmiths - The Economist Western Balkan arms manufacturers are booming. Since 2020, Serbian exports...
On June 17, the SAPO prosecutor filed a claim against VAKS to recognize assets in the amount of UAH 5.6 million as unfounded and to recover them...
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