
Medvedchuk's associate declares the pension of a former judge of the Constitutional Court

People's Deputy from the OPZZH Vasily Nimchenko receives a cosmic pension as a retired judge of the Constitutional Court. On June 13 to the Constitutional Court...

2 months ago

Odessa businessman Kaufman acquired the Volyn tobacco factory

Well-known Odessa businessman Boris Kaufman (owner of the monopolist company for the distribution of tobacco products Tedis Ukraine), who is a suspect in several criminal proceedings,…

2 months ago

For Vadim Ermolaev, sanctions are not sanctions. You can't have too many friends in the OP

Who is more important in Ukraine: President Vladimir Zelensky or the head of his office Andriy Ermak? If the answer to this question seems to you...

2 months ago

How the shadowing of the cigarette market contributes to filling the budget

Ukraine, in the context of a full-scale invasion, faces an acute shortage of budgetary resources. The shadowing of the economy, especially the markets for excisable goods, will increase tax...

2 months ago

Yuri Ivanyushchenko's hidden partner Lev Goldberg plundered the Ukrainian banking system together with the Russians

In the spring of 2022, when the Ukrainian Armed Forces expelled the occupiers from the Kiev region, the whole world was shocked by how much the region was mutilated.…

3 months ago

The family of Ermak's ex-partner borrowed money from Russians and bought a house in the USA

Journalists found out that the family of Ukrainian film producer Artem Kolyubaev, a business partner of the head of the Presidential Office Andrei Ermak, borrowed funds from a Russian company for...

3 months ago

The faction of bribe takers decided. Chronicle of suspicions and scandals of “servants of the people”

Last Monday, NABU detained another deputy from the Servants of the People for taking a bribe. The chosen one from the presidential party did not skimp on making money on...

3 months ago

Rostislav Shurma “covers up” the schemes of Alliance Bank and its owner Shcherban

Deputy Head of the Office of the President Rostislav Shurma may be the “secret patron” of the small Alliance Bank, which has recently regularly found itself in…

3 months ago

Millions for repairs, but bridges are still “tired”: where do taxpayers’ money disappear?

The capital's bridges, suffering from "fatigue" and landslides, have become another example of systemic problems in the city government of Kyiv. "The media reported that rotting and...

3 months ago

Shadow Empire of Bohdan Pukiš and Petr Belz

How the partners of the traitor of Ukraine continue to earn money for him on the defense of the country, Bogdan Pukis and Petr Belz are key figures...

3 months ago

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