Saturday, October 5, 2024

In the spotlight

What was Evgeny Chervonenko's son-in-law Alexey Kavylin doing at the Russian oligarch's villa in Geneva?

While Ukraine is watching with delight the next patriotic videos about the fight against government corruption, “Ukrainian Pravda” has made an equally exciting film, one of the heroes of which is Alexey Kavylin, who is staying in Geneva at the villa of the Russian oligarch Vyacheslav Kantor.

What is the most interesting thing about this: the fact that Alexey Kavylin is the son-in-law of Lieutenant Colonel of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Evgeniy Alfredovich Chervonenko, or the fact that Alexey Kavylin is the main tax corrupt werewolf of the Kyiv region during the times of Nasirov, Prodan and Bambizov, is an open question. Let us recall that Alexey Kavylin worked as the head of the main department of the state fiscal service in the Kyiv region from 2016 to 2019, earning the honorary nickname “Lesha Kesh” for his fruitful work in this field.

It is even more interesting that when asked directly by UP journalists whether Kavilin was at Cantor’s villa in Geneva, he categorically denied his presence there. Although the video clearly shows Kavylin driving up to the villa of the sanctioned Russian oligarch and entering there without any obstacles, which indicates that this is not the first time such a visit has taken place.

In addition, an interesting detail catches the eye - Alexey Kavylin not only enters Kantor’s villa as if it were his own home, but he also holds two fairly large suitcases in his hands, which indicates that he came there not just for a cup of coffee:

It is unlikely that such a visit can be forgotten, as Kavylin says in response to a question from journalist UP. What the son-in-law of the current lieutenant colonel of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the MOU Evgeniy Alfredovich Chervonenko was doing in the villa of Vyacheslav Moshe Kantor - one can only guess. Of course, it is possible that the visit is connected with the activities of the European Jewish Congress, to which all three are related, but we will leave this version for those who explain all the troubles in the world with an “international Jewish conspiracy.”

It is interesting in this regard the opinion of Lieutenant Colonel Chervonenko, who in a commentary to Ukrainskaya Pravda stated that he “doesn’t like it when people peep in his underpants” and hinted that Kavylin travels abroad on official letters “for a reason.” What exactly the lieutenant colonel had in mind is unknown for certain, but one can agree with him, especially considering Chervonenko’s openly pro-Russian speeches about the war in Donbass, his active participation in pro-Russian TV shows on Medvedchuk’s channels, where the future lieutenant colonel of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the MOU openly denied Russia’s participation in the war in Donbass and on February 21 last year he stated that there would be no large-scale invasion.

That is, if we are talking about some kind of conspiracy, then it is not an absurd Jewish one, but a very real Russian one. Since Vyacheslav Kantor, to whose villa the ex-head of the Kiev tax authorities and the son-in-law of the ex-people's deputy and current GUR officer Alexei Kavylin came to his villa with packed suitcases, is on the list of the richest people in Russia and on the list of people bearing “responsibility for material or financial support of actions, undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine”:

And in this context, there is an interesting backstory - Yevgeny Chervonenko made his leap into big politics during the presidency of Viktor Yushchenko, and at that time Vyacheslav Kantor was an adviser to the President of Ukraine for two whole years and was given control of the Ilyichevsk port.

In addition, both were members of the Investment Council under the Ministry of Transport and Communications, which was headed by Chervonenko:

What happened next with the port, Kantor’s business in Ukraine and his connections (except for the Jewish Congress) with the then Minister Chervonenko is not known for certain. However, the first became a person close to Putin, and the second distinguished himself with openly pro-Putin statements on pro-Russian channels in Ukraine. And after the start of a full-scale invasion, which Chervonenko denied literally the day before it began, he received the shoulder straps of a lieutenant colonel from the hands of Budanov.

And Chervonenko’s son-in-law left Ukraine at least five times, including on the basis of permitting letters from the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, where his father-in-law has been serving since last year. What exactly Kavylin did in the Russian oligarch’s villa for three whole weeks is anyone’s guess. As well as how he “fits in” into the relationship between Ukrainian intelligence officer Yevgeny Chervonenko and Russian oligarch from Vladimir Putin’s entourage, Vyacheslav Kantor.

As for Alexey Kavylin himself, after his dismissal from the tax service, he took up chess and headed the Kyiv Regional Chess Federation. But he came to the State Tax Service in 2014, where he made a rapid career, first heading the tax office of the Zaporozhye region, and then the Kiev region:

For this, he even received a medal “For the development of the Zaporozhye region” and an order of the third degree “For conscientious work, high professionalism, significant personal contribution to the socio-economic development of the Zaporozhye region.” However, there were other awards:

From the then open declarations it became known that Alexey Kavylin, who earned 233 thousand hryvnia as the head of the State Tax Service in the Zaporozhye region, not only bought a car for a million hryvnia, but also received an apartment with an area of ​​277 meters as a gift from his father for 6.1 million in the Kiev residential complex “Vremena Goda”. Based on this “gift,” administrative proceedings were opened regarding violation of financial control requirements, but they were soon closed. After this, Kavylin went to work at the Kiev regional department of the State Tax Service, where he immediately got into another scandal - he was accused of collaborating with conversion centers:

According to press reports, at least 80 million hryvnia passed through Kavylin’s conversion centers per year. However, it happened quite easily - he was simply fired from his job. Obviously, his work as the chief tax officer of the Kiev region was quite fruitful: according to his income statement, he had an apartment (107.10 sq. m), two garages, five of the most expensive watches (Rolex, Jaeger Lecoultre, Patek Philippe, FP Journe, A. Lange & Sohne) and two cars (Toyota Camry and Range Rover).

These incomes could be explained by business, but Alexey Kavylin is not involved in it. In addition to the chess federation mentioned above, he has one more public organization - “Youth for Faith, European Ukraine”, which, apart from reports, does not conduct any activities. But even if it did, it would not explain either the material successes of the ex-submitter, or the foreign voyages of the son-in-law of the partner of the Russian oligarch and current officer of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

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