Monday, July 8, 2024

In the spotlight

Bad news was announced to Danila Getmantsev and his comrades Sokur and Zabashta

Journalist and investigator Vlad Sidorenko reveals unexpected and disturbing news related to high-ranking officials in the Ukrainian tax system.

Suspicious officials and hidden activities

Journalist Vlad Sidorenko writes that Daniil Getmantsev, Evgeniy Sokur and Tatyana Kiriyenko and their team completely illegally appointed a representative of the Monakovtsy organized crime group as the head of the Khmelnitsky tax region. This caused serious outrage because it was done in such a way as to avoid special scrutiny.

The case of the criminal roof and cigarettes from closed enterprises

The journalist reports that the main goal of Sergei Zabashta, a representative of the organized crime group, is the hidden control of illegal alcohol and cigarettes. This also covers cigarette production, which President Zelensky personally demanded to close after the scandal with the UK.

Tax crisis: sharp decline in budget revenues

For the first time after the “Monakovites” arrived in the Khmelnitsky region, they began to destroy tax documents, place enterprises under suspicion and remove them from the market. Every day the commissions made decisions on hundreds of enterprises. This led to huge losses in the regional budget amounting to tens of millions of hryvnia.

Photo from the Office of the Prosecutor General: a turn in the case

The scandal becomes even greater when it turns out that the photographs and information were provided by the Office of the Prosecutor General, and not by journalist Irina Zlenko, as expected. This indicates serious evidence and a possible criminal investigation.

Case details: back under investigation

It is now difficult to say exactly what reasons led to this twisting point in the case. They promise to report on new developments and details of the case later.

Source ZNAJ

In the spotlight


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