NSDC Secretary Alexey Danilov explained his recent statement regarding the dangers of the activities of Telegram channels. The main threat to their activities is the anonymity of the owners and the lack of any responsibility for the dissemination of unverified, falsified and manipulative information. The price of such work is the lives of dozens of civilians and military personnel.
Danilov wrote about this on his Facebook page.
Taking these features into account, the Russian regime widely uses Telegram platforms to try to destabilize Ukrainian society.
In his opinion, in order to increase the level of information security and reduce the number of shake-ups and “stuffing” of Russian propaganda, the main requirement for the work of Telegram channels should be the de-anonymization of their activities and compliance with generally accepted journalistic standards.
“The main danger from which follows and the basic requirement for Telegram channels is the de-anonymization of their activities. Those responsible for disseminating information that reaches and influences an audience of millions must be known. What are the consequences of the dissemination by “unnamed authors,” for example, of photographs of the results of air defense work, the movement of the Defense Forces, the deployment of military units - we have all seen and know,” he wrote.
Danilov believes that to prevent the threat, increasing the level of media literacy and constant work to identify and expose facts of disinformation and manipulation. In parallel with this, the creation of high-quality Ukrainian content by famous people who enjoy well-deserved trust should occur.
According to him, the Russian regime was the first to take control and began to effectively use Telegram networks to manipulate public opinion, spread disinformation and practice fake news. In 2019, there is a high peak in the activity of Russian special services infiltrating the Ukrainian information space through political Telegram channels. These technologies in various variations were tested in the occupied territories during 2014-2015.
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