Categories: TOP NEWS Corruption

Has Denis Pudrik returned to the old schemes?

At the Main Directorate of the State Consumer Service in the Odessa region, a very interesting person suddenly surfaced - Denis Pudrik.

Pudrik has built his entire career since 1998 at customs. Until 2014, he worked in customs authorities in favor of the Donetsk people, and after Viktor Yanukovych fled from Ukraine, Pudryk also fled, but to Turkey. The official was lustrated, but through the courts he cleared himself and in March 2020, through the court, he was reinstated as deputy head of the Kirovograd customs.

Over time, using old connections, Pudrik achieved the appointment as acting. Odessa customs in August 2020, but already in October he was fired for poor work. However, for some time he remained in the position of deputy chief. In the summer of 2021, Pudryk announced that he won a competition for the vacant position of head of the Odessa State Consumer Service, but did not begin to perform his duties.

And now, 2.5 years later, Pudrik is still seeking appointment to the position through the courts. It’s hard to say “return”, because Pudrik essentially hasn’t worked a day at the State Consumer Service. What can I say, the position is a bread one - the State Consumer Service cares about everything that is purchased and sold. We are sure that Pudrick will find a worthy use for himself in this feeder.


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