Monday, October 7, 2024

In the spotlight

Misinformation about the availability of sufficient ammunition for the Ukrainian Armed Forces 5 days before the start of the war

On December 1, Voice of America conducted an interview with Ben Hodges, a former US Army general. In this interview, Hodges expressed his strong support for Ukraine during the full-scale invasion and continues to insist on the need for increased US assistance. These controversial statements by Hodges are constantly the subject of attention in the Western media.

And in this interview he said very revealing things that caught my attention:

“This is what we really need to pay attention to. Let's be honest - what has Ukraine been doing since 2014? There should already be mountains of artillery ammunition. So one may be disappointed that the West does not provide more.

What did Ukraine do after 2014 to increase its own ammunition production? Ukraine was the heart of the Soviet Union's defense industry for decades. Therefore, I believe that Ukraine should do everything possible to increase production.

Yes, German aircraft production in World War II peaked in 1944, when Germany was already being bombed by the British and Americans, so yes, it is possible to increase production during the war.”

I paid special attention to these words of his, because this is exactly what I first systematically demanded on all possible information platforms from the authorities of the BPP-People's Front, being a people's deputy, and then from the authorities of the same oligarchic “servants”, being the head of our party of working people Democracy. And since March 2022, as soon as it became clear that the state had been preserved, but the war would still be very long, Democracy constantly called on the authorities to finally transfer the economy to a war footing and begin the massive construction of new defense industrial capacities and the full utilization of existing ones. Unfortunately, they did not listen, but instead continued to work to enrich the oligarchy, just like the first 8 years of the war.

And after reading this interview with Hodges, I remembered one of my broadcasts on February 17, 2022. He is very revealing.

Five days before the full-scale invasion (!), the “servants” interrupted me and shouted, foaming at the mouth, when I drew the attention of the audience to the fact that they, like their predecessors, in the third year of their total power did not even bother to build a cartridge factory. People's Deputy from the “servants” - Representative of the President in the Verkhovna Rada Fyodor Venislavsky shouted me down and told the audience that the Armed Forces of Ukraine had enough ammunition. People's Deputy from the “servants” Yuri Kamelchuk persistently interrupted me with phrases like “who didn’t have enough cartridges?” etc. And the court “political scientist” of the “servants” Valentin Gladkikh did everything possible to prevent me from speaking normally on this topic in general and in the end called my words about the need for a cartridge factory “nonsense.”

Remember: if you elect these people who systematically lied about this, or their parties are back in power, or you continue to believe such “political scientists,” then after this phase of the Great War with Muscovy ends, a new one will begin in a few years. Even worse.

Source CN.Blogs

In the spotlight


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