Categories: TOP 2 Articles

For a relative of the politician from “Servant of the People” Bezgin, who received an apartment in Crimea, up to 10 years in prison is possible

Dispelling Bezgin’s public statements about ending his relationship with his relative, the documents indicate that a case was opened after the intervention of the press and a court decision regarding the people’s deputy.

He is a people’s deputy of the mono-majority in Ukraine, she is a representative of the pro-Putin “United Russia” in the occupation parliament of Crimea . In 2020, People’s Deputy Vitaly Bezgin made a valuable present to his aunt, who was involved in “Peacemaker,” by transferring his own share of an apartment in Yevpatoria to her. And only in 2023, after publicity in the media and the intervention of Themis, a case was finally opened against the parliamentarian.

Vitaly Bezgin’s  case were covered in a new material by StopCora journalist Olga Levitskaya .

Let us recall that StopKor became interested in the property status of the people’s deputy from the “Servant of the People” after the aggressor country imposed sanctions on him several years ago. It turned out that Bezgin himself is a Crimean and could have real estate and relatives on the annexed peninsula. Reporters found information about his aunt, Galina Gerasimova , who received a Russian passport and even represented “United Russia” in the so-called Crimean State Duma. It was this ardent Putinist who got part of her nephew’s apartment in Yevpatoria.

After our investigation aired, Bezgin himself publicly rejected his relative and stated that he allegedly consulted about the transfer of housing rights from NAPC. However, he did not escape criminal prosecution.

After the corresponding court decision, the State Bureau of Investigation was obliged to begin an investigation into the fact that the people’s deputy “donated” an apartment in Yevpatoria (Crimea) in 2020 to a deputy from the United Russia party, Galina Gerasimova, who at that time was already included in the Peacemaker database. Later the property was resold under Russian law.

As StopCor learned, the case was opened in November under Part 2 of Art. 110 of the Criminal Code - an encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine entirely by a representative of the authorities. The sanction of this article provides for from 5 to 10 years of imprisonment.

Let us note that the presence of Russian citizenship and a pro-Putin position did not prevent collaborator Gerasimova from crossing the administrative border of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea with the Kherson region twice in 2018.


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