Categories: Corruption

Watch your hands. Russian gas is turning into Azerbaijani...

In Nikolaev, there is another mystery for fans of budget spending: the administration of the Central region invested 1.7 million hryvnia on the construction of a road... to a dead end, leading to three cottages.

The most ironic thing is that in the middle of this road there is an automatic gate. For everyone except those who live in these cottages, apparently, the path is closed.

The construction of the road cost the city in two stages: in 2023, almost a million hryvnia were allocated for the first part, and in August 2024 another 728 thousand were added. For only 1.7 million hryvnia, 235 meters of asphalt leading to a dead end were built

Journalists, while checking city expenses, discovered this dubious purchase and visited the site. It turned out that the new road leads to elite cottages on the banks of the Southern Bug, the owners of which, as it turned out, are former and current high-ranking officials: businessmen, police officers and rescuers.

One of these cottages once belonged to the mother-in-law of a famous businessman, who has long received a contract from the city to clean roads. The second house is owned by the wife of the former deputy head of police, and the third is owned by the head of the State Emergency Service of the Nikolaev region, who has a solar power plant on his property worth half a million hryvnia.

The head of the administration, Alexander Bereza, explained that the road was built at the request of local residents, whose previous efforts to build the road were destroyed by heavy equipment from contractors.

However, even if so, a logical question arises: how justified is such a decision, and was this road really so important for the city that almost 2 million hryvnia were spent on it?


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