Thursday, October 3, 2024

In the spotlight

Ex-tax officer of the Khmelnitsky region Vadim Martynyuk - fired, but in the future at the boss’s beck and call

After the publication of material about foreign travel and corruption schemes of the chief auditor-inspector of the department for the prevention and detection of corruption of the Main Directorate of the State Tax Service of Ukraine in the Khmelnytsky region, Vadim Martynyuk, the prefix ex was added to his position. Most likely, it was temporarily “hidden” out of sight so that the leadership would not come under harsh public criticism and sanctions from higher-ranking officials.

However, Martynyuk did not manage to stay in the shadows for long. He and his faithful companion Roman Kordon “showed up” at the scandalous birthday celebration of high-ranking tax official Tatyana Kiriyenko in Vienna, which she celebrated with dozens of other officials. All the officials seemed to be on a work trip. According to information from reliable sources, Martynyuk went to present a gift from his leader Irina Zlenko. But the (former) chief anti-corruption tax official and his companion visited not only the official’s luxury party. They made a voyage to Spanish Mallorca and Cyprus.

It should be noted that the acting head of the Main Directorate of the State Tax Service in the Khmelnitsky region, Irina Zlenko, has a rich biography. She has repeatedly attracted the attention of journalists. From the beginning of her career, she became a defendant in investigations into the functioning of conversion centers. During the presidency of fugitive President Viktor Yanukovych, Zlenko created and ensured the operation of platforms for cashing out non-cash funds. At the same time, she oversaw from 4 to 13 such sites. And her husband Alexander, an employee of the SBU, took upon himself all the work of organizing companies, channels for the flow of shadow money, searching for directors who themselves did not understand that they were managing companies with a multimillion-dollar turnover. Friendship with the then Minister of Internal Affairs Vitaly Zakharchenko helped to reach such corruption “heights”.

After the Revolution of Dignity, like most of the officials who were part of Yanukovych’s so-called “Family,” they dozed off abroad. Zlenko had a transplant in Hungary. And literally a few months before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, she “surfaced” as acting. Head of the State Tax Service in the Khmelnytsky region.

It’s surprising how Zlenko with such a track record could be taken to the tax office. Moreover, she directly falls under the Law of Ukraine “On the Cleansing of Power”, since she held leadership positions during the reign of Yanukovych’s “Family”. But, perhaps, her other skills are valued there, not professional, but acquired while working with sites under Sashka the Dentist.

However, let's return to her (ex)-subordinate Martynyuk. He, according to the entrepreneurs of the Khmelnitsky region, despite the official removal, says at every corner that this is temporary and the antics of his competitors in business, and they must continue to “solve” with him in the future so that there are no problems with the tax authorities. Yes! Yes! That’s exactly what he says, that he did not share the construction business with them and the cutting of round timber (timber).

Most likely, Irina Zlenko, a valuable personnel for certain circles of the corrupt part of the State Tax Service, is very interested in her irreplaceable subordinate Martynyuk and will not let her go. She also does not initiate an internal investigation in her own way (ex)-subordinate, so that later, when everything calms down a little, he can be reinstated.

In turn, Martynyuk is not interested in being officially fired. After all, without the status of a civil servant, he will not be able to cross the border. And he has already packed his things for his next trip to Europe with a stop in Vienna. Of course, officially it sounds like “on a business trip.” By the way, Vadim Martynyuk has not yet been mobilized, although he should fall under the first wave of conscription. Perhaps he also greased everyone at the TCC.

(allegedly) The fired Martynyuk is now more actively engaged in business, developing his “Stroytsentr”, selling lumber, and later selling humanitarian aid, killing competitors with the help of his comrades in the tax workshop. And is looking for other ways to earn money. That is why Martynyuk and Cordon attend various exhibitions, especially those dedicated to franchises. He's probably looking at the next profitable business.

People in Khmelnitsky are well aware that Martynyuk loves everything Russian, although he speaks emphatically in Ukrainian. It was thanks to his love for the “Russian world” that he met Alexander Noske, a Russian by birth living in Germany. And it is with him that their business is based on humanitarian aid. Noske often writes letters from a German charitable organization, and in fact supplied German humanitarian aid, which, instead of following its intended purpose, is sold in stores. By the way, the (former) taxman mentioned Noske in his declaration as the person who provided him with interest-free financial assistance.

According to Martynyuk’s colleague, he often talks with his sister, who has lived in Moscow for a long time and has citizenship of the aggressor country. Martynyuk’s mother also worked for many years in Russia as a cashier-cleaning manager of a water closet at the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow, where she was caught stealing. As they say, aspen trees do not produce oranges.

Against the backdrop of the large-scale struggle of the Ukrainian people against the invasion of the Russian occupier, superior enemy forces, and a constant shortage of personnel, the “temporarily” removed Martynyuks could do a good service, defending the country whose people have been paying their salaries for decades. Although most of these people don’t really care which country they work for, the main thing is that they have the opportunity to continue scraping away dollars to further lead a luxury-level life.


In the spotlight


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