Friday, July 5, 2024

In the spotlight

Exploitation of the Ukrainian people by the oligarch through regional gas companies

The head of the Ukrainian company Naftogaz, Andrei Chernyshov, said that the stolen regional gas companies, which belonged to the oligarch Firtash and which were ultimately taken under state control, should be privatized. He also expressed his intention to privatize state-owned oil and gas production.

As always, the decision to privatize is motivated by the so-called “inefficiency” of state property. In fact, the next oligarchic government is only admitting to the ineffectiveness of its own management and indifference to the welfare of millions of Ukrainians, who will again be milked by the next oligarch through payments for gas transportation. And this is not to mention the fact that the effectiveness of strategic enterprises that have an extremely important social function for millions of Ukrainians should not be measured at all by their profitability.

But there is nothing surprising in such behavior of the power of “servants”, because all “our” oligarchic authorities are always aimed only at protecting the interests of big capital, and not the majority of the Ukrainian people.

Our party of working people, Democracy, advocates that strategic enterprises, in particular regional gas companies and gas production, should be in state ownership, especially during war. We are confident that the state’s loss of control over socially important strategic enterprises (also natural monopolies!) and the direction of huge cash flows from the gas industry into private pockets instead of the defense budget is sabotage against national security!

Source CN.Blogs

In the spotlight


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