Thursday, October 3, 2024

In the spotlight

The Mikitas phenomenon: He plunders the country during the war, but other than suspicion he does not receive a real sentence

While Maksym Mikitas is receiving suspicion, he is also receiving funds for construction from Ukrhydroenergo and is trying to steal the property of the company Kyivmetrostroy JSC.

On October 24, 2023, NABU reported another suspicion to former MP Maxim Mykytas. Everyone has probably lost count of how many suspicions this phenomenal fraudster has. An interesting report was made by Vitaly Shabunin on his Facebook page. He showed a facility for storing missiles and ammunition, for which UAH 307 million was allocated in 2018. The money was allocated, but there was no facility.

The money, according to NABU and SAP, was transferred to the accounts of companies controlled by ex-deputy Maxim Mikitas.

Therefore, now the section “Mikitas and suspicions from NABU” looks like this:

  • October 2019: Mikitas receives suspicion from NABU in the case of apartments for the National Guard;
  • September 2020: Mikitas receives suspicion from NABU regarding the construction of a nuclear waste storage facility;
  • December 2020: Mikitas receives suspicion from NABU in a case of possible bribery of an expert;
  • December 2020: Mikitas receives suspicion from the Tatar Ministry of Internal Affairs of an “artificial” case of kidnapping;
  • October 2022: Mikitas receives suspicion from NABU of a possible bribe to the mayor of Dnipro;
  • October 2023: Mikitas receives suspicion from NABU regarding the construction of warehouses for the Ministry of Defense.

Intermediate results:

  • the first case is heard at HACS;
  • the second case against two defendants in court; against Mikitas, the investigation is “on pause”;
  • the third case was successfully “leaked” through the Prosecutor General’s Office, the SBU and the courts;
  • the fourth case, it seems, was initially a fake to shut Mikitasya’s mouth;
  • the fifth case is being heard at HACS;
  • the sixth case has just become known.

This is a vivid example of how a person robs a country during a war, and other than suspicion, does not receive a real sentence, because he tells everyone that he is a full-time NABU agent, and his suspicions are just an agent story. But in reality, he allegedly testifies against top corrupt officials. But in essence, under someone else’s cover, he is taking away private businesses. So, after leaving the pre-trial detention center before the last suspicion of NABU, he, through proxies in an under-reformed, currently incomprehensible body called BEB, first selects PJSC Metrostroy because of an alleged case of unpaid taxes and places his “controllers” there:

  • Puzenko Alexander Anatolyevich – Chairman of the Supervisory Board;
  • Titov Vladimir Igorevich – member of the N.S. (classmate of Mikitas);
  • Elizarov Valentin Pavlovich – member of the N.S. (Mikitasya’s godfather).

For those who do not understand, PJSC “Metrostroy” is part of the consortium “Ukhydroenergostroy”, which is engaged, for example, in the construction of the Dniester pumped storage power plant (PSPP)! This is a strategic object.

The customer is the state corporation “Ukrhydroenergo”. So appreciate the insanity! There is a war going on in the country, the whole world is donating funds for the Ukrainian army, and the scammers who are stealing millions from the budget have a lot of suspicions, they are taking over an enterprise building a strategic facility by raider takeover, and the funds that Ukraine so needs in this difficult time for victory are simply a certain Mikitas and his accomplices will steal!

But the fantasies of these corrupt officials went even further. Having captured PJSC Metrostroy, where the director is currently Alexander Metelitsa (he is a former employee of the company JSC Kievmetrostroy).

The worker was so-so, he left the company as an ordinary foreman, but did not achieve any success as an independent person in the construction of the metro and went to cooperate with scammers led by Maxim Mikitas. They knew that once upon a time JSC “Kyivmetrostroy” had a corporate conflict, and Metelitsa created on the basis of a company with an international name JSC “Kyivmetrostroy” - PrJSC “Metrostroy”, where the participants in the conflict illegally transferred the property of JSC “Kyivmetrostroy”, forged documents that it seems that PrJSC “Metrostroy” acquired the shield-passing complex “Galina”, and transferred it by deed to JSC “Kievmetrostroy”, although all documents and payments came from JSC “Kievmetrostroy”, because PrJSC “Metrostroy” never had any assets. Even the manufacturer of the Galina shield complex, the German company Kerekhnekt, has documents about this.

These crooks went to the economic court to recognize the ownership of “Galina” as PJSC “Metrostroy”. Knowing about the under-reformed courts, they will corrupt judges and rob everything they need.

Further, after suspicion of Mikitashu from NABU, BEB detectives inform some director of the company, as indicated on the website of BEB, which is building the metro, a suspicion of supposedly illegal transfer of equipment to another company. And it’s surprising that this is just before the said court. It is clear that this is the work of Maxim Mikitas and his accomplices.

Employees of JSC “Kievmetrostroy”, who are now fighting on the front line in the Russian-Ukrainian war, warn the corrupt officials that they will return from the war and harshly question the judges, investigators, prosecutors who want to plunder the Ukrainian budget and strategic enterprises with the help of looters.

It is still unclear how Mikitas “builds” the power plant. Apparently, law enforcement officers should ask the management of Ukrhydroenergo this question. Activists are currently writing statements to NABU and international anti-corruption organizations so that they take control of this “phenomenon” - Mikitas.


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