Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

“Gaz Active” by Dmitry Buzuadzhi - how Russian gas is sold in the network of gas stations in Odessa

Regular customers of Dmitry Buzuadzhi’s Gas Active gas stations do not even suspect that the gas that fills the cylinders of their cars is supplied directly from the Russian Federation. After all, the gas supplier for the Gas Active gas station network is the Russian LLC Rhineston Trading, whose owners are businessmen citizens of the Russian Federation: Maxim Dekhtyar and Nikolai Olshansky.

The network of Gas Aktiv AGZP includes about 40 facilities in the Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson regions. According to state register data, the owner of the network is an Odessa entrepreneur of Moldovan origin, Dmitry Buzadzhi. The director is Vladimir Glugan. The businessman also owns the company Energoimpex, which is engaged in the wholesale purchase and sale of petroleum products and gas.

We remind you that in 2021, employees of the State Tax Service (STS) and the Strategic Investigations Directorate (USR) of the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police in the Odessa region established the operation of 11 gas stations without a license for the retail trade of fuel. In total, based on the results of general measures taken, 2.8 million penalties were applied to the business entity. However, the network of illegal gas stations continues to operate in the region, and Moldovan citizen Dmitry Buzuadzhi found new patrons from among Odessa law enforcement officers in order to avoid paying taxes and be able to continue selling gas from the Russian Federation at Odessa gas stations.

It is worth noting that Dmitry Buzadzhi owns many companies, and his company Energoimpex LLC previously carried out massive searches with the involvement of SBU structures.

In addition to non-payment of taxes and sales of gas from the Russian Federation, Dmitry Buzuadzhi’s companies very often take loans from counterparties who are in no hurry to repay, and the money is withdrawn to Moldova under fictitious contracts. Let us recall that previously a number of Ukrainian entrepreneurs had already encountered fraudulent actions by the Moldovan owners of the Gas Active gas station network, Dmitry Buzuadzhi, and were forced to go to the courts .

We ask that this journalistic investigation be considered an open request to the SBU, in order to draw attention to the schemes for the supply of gas to the Russians by RHINESTON TRADING LLC for further sale through Dmitry Buzuadzhi’s Odessa Gas Active filling complexes.


In the spotlight


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