Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

The SBI exposed fraud with generators for the military worth more than 5 million hryvnia

When purchasing diesel generators for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, equipment worth more than 5 million hryvnia was appropriated. Among the suspects is the unit commander

Businessmen specializing in the sale of electric generating sets “agreed” with the deputy commander of a military unit in 2022. He was supposed to ensure the victory of a structure controlled by businessmen for the purchase of thousands of diesel generators for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The contract amount was about 43 million hryvnia.

After the conclusion of the agreement, the entrepreneurs did nothing for almost two months. Instead, taking advantage of the negligence of the commander of the military unit, an additional agreement was concluded. According to the updated terms, while maintaining the total amount of the contract, the number of generators already ordered in China was reduced by 133 units. These 133 generators were subsequently appropriated by businessmen, and the state budget lost more than 5 million hryvnia because of this.

SBI officers reported suspicion to the commander of the military unit and his deputy, as well as two entrepreneurs.

A petition is being prepared to the court for the suspect to choose preventive measures - detention


In the spotlight


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