Sunday, June 30, 2024

In the spotlight

The head of Naftogaz, Chernyshov, decided that he was being deliberately knocked off his possible appointment?

By posting the same type of “expert” messages, someone is trying to denigrate NABU and “Ukrainian Pravda”, calling into question the objectivity of the corruption investigation of Mykhailo Tkach

A number of Ukrainian political analysts stated that the corruption investigation of the Ukrayinska Pravda publication, which concerns the activities of the head of Naftogaz, Alexey Chernyshov, is allegedly an attempt by some people from NABU to “knock off” the official from the probable appointment of the new Minister of Infrastructure, which has recently been discussed in political circles. circles. Such comments of the same type are actively distributed on Facebook, as well as in many all-Ukrainian Telegram channels, which indicates a targeted information campaign in the interests of Chernyshov.

Probably, this Internet campaign was launched with the aim of shifting the focus from the numerous corruption scandals in which Alexey Chernyshov appeared.

Some Telegram channels close to the Office of the President also note that Alexey Chernyshov attracted “paid experts” and posts their comments “for money.”

Let us remind you that the investigation by Ukrayinska Pravda states that the High Anti-Corruption Court, at the request of NABU detectives and SAPO prosecutors, in April of this year granted permission to search a house in the village of Kozin (Kiev region), where Alexey Chernyshov lives. However, for unknown reasons, this resolution was never implemented - the search was not carried out. UP notes that this happened at the request of NABU director Semyon Krivonos. It is also noted that before this, Chernyshov secretly visited the NABU premises.

The searches of Chernyshov were justified by the fact that officials of the Ministry of Regions during the period when it was headed by Chernyshov could have been involved in the illegal transfer of a plot of land to one of the developers for the construction of a residential complex.


In the spotlight


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