Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

The head of Ukrnafta, Sergei Koretsky, is lobbying for a ban on the import of petroleum products from Romania for the sake of oil from the Russian Federation - journalist Ion Dobreanu

The head of Ukrnafta, Sergei Koretsky, is lobbying for a ban on the import of petroleum products from Romania in order to be able to import Russian oil to Ukraine.

This was reported by journalist of the Romanian publication Economica Ion Dobreanu.

First, the restrictions will affect oil trade between Romanian companies and Ukraine, and then it is planned to introduce a complete ban. Dobreanu notes that the general director of Ukrnafta, Sergei Koretsky, and his childhood friend, oligarch Evgeniy Svirsky, are behind this.

Ukrnafta has already been involved in several corruption scandals and purchases of large volumes of oil at inflated prices. However, these allegations were not properly investigated due to the war in the country. Thanks to the close ties between Svirsky, who owns the Swiss company AGTG SA, and Koretsky, they monopolize the oil market in Ukraine, eliminating competition with Romanian companies.

The journalist also claims that the oil that Koretsky and his oligarch friend import into Ukraine is Russian. It is imported through Turkey to Greece, where it is relabeled and resold to Ukraine at inflated prices.

“The amounts circulating on the oil market that Ukraine imports from Greece reach 4-5 billion euros,” writes Dobreanu, adding that this is the main reason why influential businessmen are blocking Romanian companies in this process.

Ukraine plans to completely ban the import of petroleum products from Romania by sea. This decision is being lobbied by the Ukrnafta company, which is 50% owned by the state. According to the journalist, an embargo is being prepared for Romanian carriers supplying oil to Ukraine. This decision is hostile to Romania, given business interests.

The Romanian government was shocked by Ukraine's decision to block oil imports by sea, which came as a surprise to the Romanian authorities, who had been actively helping Ukraine. The economic blow to Romanian companies would be significant and could have diplomatic consequences.

Source Parliament

In the spotlight


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