Categories: Corruption

The chief doctor in Kharkov earned more than 1.5 million hryvnia from COVID-19: did the court punish

The times of feather grass were not a crisis for everyone. The chief doctor of Kharkov City Hospital No. 25 prescribed a “Covid” bonus in the amount of 300% of the salary. So in a few years he received more than 1.5 million “left” income.

The man wrote out orders for a “Covid” increase in salary for himself every month. Even the war did not stop him, because the date of the last order was 02/25/2022.

During the period from the beginning of the epidemic to the full-scale invasion, the doctor received 1,528,216 hryvnia in income.

A criminal case has been opened against the man for embezzlement of budget funds. The prosecutor asks the court to send the chief doctor to a pre-trial detention center, and the judge agrees, but sets bail in the amount that the man stole from the state budget - UAH 1,528,216.

The journalist is outraged that the head of the hospital will be able to go free after compensating for what was stolen over the years.

“And now there is a case under the heading “expense of property.” The prosecution asks to send the suspect to a pre-trial detention center. Judge Alexey Osadchiy agrees, but sets bail in the amount of... 1,528,216 hryvnia. I mean, fuck it. Sp*surprised? Well, it happens.” Just return exactly the same amount and you can go for a walk. And don't do that again. OK? Well done, go,” writes Fedosenko.


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