Sunday, December 22, 2024

In the spotlight

The chief doctor of the Ternopil TCC bought an apartment, a house and 5 plots of land in one day

After a year of working as the chief physician of the VVK of the Ternopil Regional TCC, Oleg Farion in one day purchased an apartment, a house and five land plots covering several hectares.

This information was noted in his declaration, which attracted the attention of netizens.

Before working at the VVK, the man worked as a psychiatrist at the Kremenets support hospital. In the declaration for 2022, the Farion family did not have any real estate listed.

Later he became the head of the VVK at the Kremenets TCC and joint venture, and then the head of the medical service of the Ternopil regional TCC and joint venture. The declaration for 2023 already indicates that his wife completed the purchase of several properties on the same day.

The amount of the transactions has not been disclosed, but it clearly exceeds the income and savings indicated in the declaration.


In the spotlight


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