Friday, July 5, 2024

In the spotlight

The borders are open: Konstantin Ilyinsky, a fraudulent entrepreneur, visits Europe during the war

The luxurious life of young Kyiv majors during a difficult full-scale war, which has been going on for three years, has already become a parable. The vast majority of people have tightened their belts; some are fighting at the front, while others are working for victory in the rear. However, the majors want to continue to spend their time in style: expensive cars, restaurants, fashionable resorts in exotic countries. For them there is no war. “This is not our war” - as a rule, they use such a simple banal phrase to justify their cowardice.

In this difficult time, in order to maintain a high level of luxurious life, they sometimes act like ordinary scammers. For example, there is Konstantin Vladislavovich Ilyinsky, the formal owner of more than a dozen companies associated with European Trading Systems LLC and the Maestro Kitchen by ETC trademark, which is owned by his father. This young man distinguished himself by the fact that, having taken sums of money worth millions of hryvnia from clients, he suddenly decided that there was no need to fulfill his obligations. There is a war in the country, she will write off everything.

Previously, there were already publications about this young, 28-year-old owner of luxury real estate and land plots in protected historical places in Kyiv. Today, he has 35 properties listed in state registers, of which 17 are apartments, houses, and garages. A 18 – land plots in Kyiv and the Kyiv region. Konstantin Ilyinsky prefers to drive around Kyiv with the breeze exclusively in luxury cars: Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Maserati. On February 24, 2022, when a cruel enemy invaded Ukraine and besieged Kyiv, tens of thousands of Kiev residents began to defend their homes and families. What did Konstantin Ilyinsky do during critical days for the country? Did you pick up a machine gun and defend your city? Or did he take up other socially important work for the defense of Kyiv and the country? The answer is obvious - Konstantin sat quieter than water and lower than the grass. But where?

As we learned from reliable sources, Konstantin Vladislavovich Ilyinsky hastily left Ukraine on February 20, 2022, flying from Boryspil International Airport to a more prosperous country. In those days, many pro-Russian politicians, associated oligarchs and large businessmen fled from Ukraine like rats. Among them were the Ilyinskys. Let’s assume that those persons were informed by their contacts from the aggressor country, but who warned the Ilyinskys?

There is a bloody war in Ukraine, thousands of people have died, hundreds of thousands have been left homeless. There is a lot of grief and tears around. And in this terrible time, the Ilyinskys spend their time somewhere far away, where there is no lingering howl of air raid alarms, where there are no bombings, where there is a calm life full of comfort.

We must pay tribute to Konstantin Vladislavovich Ilyinsky, he was smart enough (or someone told him) to lie low and not show off in public. On July 24, 2023, almost a year and a half later, the Kiev major decided to return to Ukraine. Crossed the border with Poland at the Grushev-Budomizh border checkpoint.

Do you think he’s made up his mind, or has his conscience awakened? Have you decided to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine? Help your country? No, this is not about Kostya Ilinsky. Everything is much simpler: apparently the guy spent money abroad. Came to catch up. And given the fact that the country is waging a difficult war without breaking the law, it is simply impossible for a major to quickly earn a luxurious life. I decided to develop fraudulent schemes and finally discredit the family’s business, which had been built over the years.

The most interesting thing is that Konstantin Ilyinsky periodically travels abroad. For example, on October 7, 2023, I left for Poland through the same border checkpoint “Grushev-Budomizh”. But Kostya is 28 years old, not 60. Not disabled, a healthy, strong guy. She does not raise three young children. He was not noticed in volunteer movements; he was hiding from the war abroad. How a young guy manages to regularly cross the border remains to be seen...

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In the spotlight


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