Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Citizens demand answers from Klitschko. How a petition in Kyiv can change the funding of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The initiative, supported by broad support from citizens, raises the question of transparency of expenses and significant financial support for the army.

After 11 actions under the walls of the Kiev mayoral administration, activists wrote a petition with several basic demands: to introduce a transparent budget without secondary expenses, to create a service department for purchasing aid to the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the Kyiv City State Administration, and to involve representatives of the public, volunteers and veterans in the discussion of the real needs.


Mobilization of vehicles for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, screenshot: Facebook

The most key requirement was the allocation of 20% of Kyiv’s budget for 2024 to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The initiative group collected the necessary 6 thousand votes to attract the authorities to discuss this issue.

Activists demand that city mayor Vitaliy Klitschko speak publicly and discuss in detail the draft city budget and the program for supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) for 2024.

“If this petition receives 6,000 signatures, Kiev mayor Vitaliy Klitschko must next Saturday publicly and in detail discuss with the public the draft budget of the city of Kiev and the PSED for 2024 at the “Money for the Armed Forces of Ukraine” campaign in front of the Kyiv City State Administration building,” the petition says.

Vitali Klitschko, screenshot: YouTube


This open discussion is aimed at providing the public with the opportunity to evaluate and understand exactly what measures are being planned in the city.

The petition also includes a request to allow Irina Ignatovich, the author of the petition, to speak during the consideration of the draft budget at a session of the Kyiv City Council. This step is aimed at actively supporting the increase in financial assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine to 20% in the city budget.

This event attracted public attention as it provides an opportunity for citizens to take an active part in the formation of the budget and important government programs, such as support for the national army.

Source KnowYA

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