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A group of law enforcement agencies is conducting an investigation against the deputy head of the national police of Tishlek on charges of illicit enrichment

Preliminary investigative actions are currently being carried out in connection with this case.

The State Bureau of Investigation continues to conduct a pre-trial investigation against ex-deputy chairman of the National Police Dmitry Tishlek in criminal proceedings under the article “Illegal enrichment”.

The SBI reported this in response to an information request from Ukrainskaya Pravda .

“We inform you that investigators of the State Bureau of Investigation are carrying out a pre-trial investigation into criminal proceedings on the grounds of a criminal offense under Article 368-5 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, registered in the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations at the request of Tishlek D.P. about verification of information 2.02. in the program “BihusInfo” in a story with the title “Deputy Head of the National Police: wife’s Russian passport, connections with criminals and millionaire mother-in-law.” The pre-trial investigation continues.”

The Bureau did not answer the UP’s questions about what investigative actions were carried out as part of the investigation and what the future fate of this proceeding is, taking into account Tishlek’s dismissal from the post of Deputy Chairman of the National Police, citing the secrecy of the investigation.

Let us recall that at the end of October 2023, investigative journalists released information alleging that the Deputy Chairman of the National Police of Ukraine Dmitry Tishlek uses the real estate and car of the family of the partner of the head of the Rostov criminal group, and his wife Alexandra Balakai did not lose her Russian passport even after the Russian invasion.

After the investigation was released, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Igor Klimenko, removed Dmitry Tishlek from his post and ordered an internal investigation. It was also said about the opening of criminal proceedings.

During the investigation, Dmitry Tishlek continued to receive wages and other types of allowance .

On December 16, it became known that the person involved in the journalistic investigation regarding possible connections with Russia, Deputy Chairman of the National Police of Ukraine Dmitry Tishlek, returned to his duties, since the official investigation did not reveal facts indicating the presence of Tishlek’s connections with any criminal authorities, including including those mentioned in investigative journalism.

On December 19, Deputy Chairman of the National Police of Ukraine Dmitry Tishlek wrote a letter of dismissal.


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