Wednesday, July 3, 2024

In the spotlight

Igor Grinkevich tried to solve

Lviv businessman Igor Grinkevich tried for $500 thousand to resolve in the State Bureau of Investigation the issue of closing a criminal case on supplies to the Armed Forces of Ukraine at inflated prices (calculated loss - 1.2 billion UAH). The companies of the Grinkevich family supplied food, clothing, and also provided construction services for military units.

The SBI detained a Lviv businessman, one of the largest suppliers to the Ministry of Defense, who offered a bribe of 500 thousand US dollars to one of the heads of the Bureau's Main Investigation Department for assistance in returning property seized from companies under his control during the investigation.

We are talking about Igor Grinkevich. The businessman’s companies won 23 tenders to supply the Ministry of Defense with clothing worth more than UAH 1.5 billion. This led to budget losses, according to preliminary estimates, of UAH 1.2 billion and, accordingly, disruption of supplies

Source ORD

In the spotlight


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