Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Igor Klimenko: There are already 43 Security Centers in Ukraine, we plan to open 330 more

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has developed and is already implementing the concept of a safe environment

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klimenko stated this during his report at a meeting of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine.

According to the Minister, the safety of public spaces requires a complete restructuring of approaches. Railway and bus stations, airports, shopping centers, etc. should be under close scrutiny.

“Therefore, it is planned to install metal detectors and baggage scanners in public places, place additional barriers on the territory of stations, and technical means of alerting the police,” he said.

These should be intelligent video surveillance systems with the ability to recognize faces, license plates, type, model, brand, vehicles. The implementation of such systems requires interaction between local authorities, territorial communities and the police.

“Everyone should understand that by installing CCTV cameras, you do not get equipment, but a feeling of security, increased detection of crimes, improved response,” said Igor Klimenko.

As for improving the response, here, the Minister draws attention, the key factor should be Security Centers, in which police, rescue and medical forces are accumulated under one roof.

“There are already 43 of these operating in Ukraine. We plan to open more than 330 more,” summed up Igor Klymenko, adding that it would be good if communities were more actively involved in this process.

Source DEPO

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