Estate in France and million-dollar contracts from the state: how does ex-adviser to the NSDC Secretary Shurupov “earn”?

Ex-adviser to the NSDC Secretary and Ukrainian businessman Vasily Shurupov is probably living luxuriously in France and buying houses while there is a war in Ukraine?

He also allows himself to travel around Europe and, if necessary, freely crosses the Ukrainian border when this is prohibited for other men of military age. So analysts investigated what Vasily Shurupov earns and how he lives - perhaps in a recently acquired house in Saint-Chamond, France.

How can you live luxuriously abroad using funds from government procurement? Not such a secret. And it can probably be shared by Vasily Shurupov, former NSDC Secretary Alexander Danilyuk’s expert on defense-industrial complex issues, who during the war concluded dozens of agreements with state-owned companies, apparently while being outside the country.

Therefore, let’s look in detail at what we are talking about and where the businessman lives after a full-scale invasion.

What is businessman Vasily Shurupov known for?

Entrepreneur Vasily Shurupov is the owner of the limited liability company “Avtotechservice”. This is confirmed by data from the Opendatabot portal.

The main activity of the company is the sale of cars and motorcycles, their maintenance and repair. Other areas of income include the maintenance and repair of cars on behalf of the population, wholesale and retail trade in automobile parts and accessories, as well as the activities of road freight transport.

But according to the information and analytical platform YouControl, Vasily Shurupov is also the director of V.I.P Trans LLC,

and beneficiary of Chevro Lux LLC,

and, finally, director of ABC-Trans LLC.

The main activity of this company is road freight transport, but the company also offers the state road transportation services, including international ones.

According to the ProZorro system, the company ABC-Trans LLC is an active participant in public procurement: the total amount of contracts is about 9.5 million UAH. In addition, all purchases were carried out without an auction, that is, by signing a contract directly with the supplier.

Just imagine, the “lion’s share” of the funds was received virtually without competition. And the amounts of individual contracts are quite considerable.

For example, the State Company for the Export and Import of Military and Special Purpose Products and Services “Ukrspetsexport” gave more than UAH 2 million to ABC-Trans LLC without an auction.

It is this state-owned enterprise that is the key customer for the services of Vasily Shurupov’s company, because the total amount of contracts between them is UAH 9.1 million.

Of course, there are other customers, for example, the state enterprise “Shostka Plant “Impulse””, but the purchase amounts here are much smaller: only 56 thousand UAH.

It is noteworthy that Vasily Shurupov’s wife Olga is the owner of the Tabletki Charitable Foundation.

Olga Shurupova also owns the company “Quiet House”

What does it mean to live luxuriously?

How and where does Vasily Shurupov live, who during a full-scale war collaborates with government organizations, presumably while abroad?

According to insider information, today the Ukrainian businessman and former defense industry adviser to the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Vasily Shurupov lives in France with his wife Olga Shurupova. By the way, according to our sources, he already bought a house in Chamonix, France, in 2023 and is now making renovations there and additionally looking for an apartment in Cannes for 1.2 million.

The very fact of the businessman’s stay abroad during the special situation regime in Ukraine is indirectly confirmed by certain photographs posted by photographer Yulia Yelinetskaya on her Facebook page.

This is also confirmed by the message of Vasily Shurupov’s wife Olga, where she writes above similar photos that “we can meet in Kyiv.” By the way, the publication date of the photo is January 28, 2024.

And, apparently, looking at such joyful moments of relaxation against the backdrop of the Italian city, many Ukrainian men have a question: on what grounds was Vasily Shurupov able to leave when he was of military age. But as it turns out, according to Business Stand Up, the businessman volunteers.

And already on February 13, the Shurupov family took part in a business stand-up, for which they came to Kyiv. Ticket prices, by the way, started from 1000 UAH. That is, when a full-scale offensive begins along the entire front line, Screwov does not go to the military with volunteer help. He's having fun on stage.

What is Vasily Shurupov remembered about in Ukraine?

Little is known about the activities of the former secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, except that he is also a businessman; we have already written about business above. But the Internet still remembers how he actively defended the general director of the Ukroboronprom Palace of Culture, Pavel Bukin, during a scandal involving embezzlement in the army.

In an interview with the “He’s Like” program, he calls him a professional.

“As for Pavel Bukin, a professional and a decent person are not always the same thing. Indeed, Pavel Bukin and such people who have worked in the concern for many years, they are professionals. That is, what others need to learn, they have already learned a long time ago,” said Vasily Shurupov.

However, later, as our fellow journalists discovered, Pavel Bukin, who by that time headed the above-mentioned Ukrspetsexport (part of Ukroboronprom), probably suggested that the friends of Gladkovsky Jr. “cut” the contract for the supply of altimeters at an inflated price. 7 times the price.

Investigators from Bihus.Info once wrote about this “scheme” on their Facebook page.

In addition, in 2020, a man named Vasily Shurupov was officially put on the wanted list as a person hiding from pre-trial investigation. But in 2021, this information was removed from the registers for unknown reasons.

Is it really possible that now the same Vasily Shurupov is most likely freely enjoying the nature of France with funds received from government purchases in Ukraine while the war is going on here?

And how do the businessman and his partners comment on this story?

In order to comprehensively understand the situation, analysts sent requests to ABC-Trans LLC and the State Enterprise Ukrspetsexport to clarify the circumstances of the case and receive comments.

Analysts also turned to Vasily Shurupov himself and his wife Olga for comments. Now we are waiting for an answer and will definitely share it in the continuation of the material.


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