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IONITY – A scheme involving Odessa OVA deputy Alexander Kharlov and his friend Yuri Palshin, resembling a pyramid

During war, there are enormous opportunities for the spread of corruption and the emergence of dishonesty in power.

The “hero” of our material was no exception, a former prosecutor - bandit Alexander Aleksandrovich Kharlov, who at the beginning of his prosecutorial career organized a robbery of an elite jewelry boutique in 2013, and the state of Ukraine paid $4 million to the victims. He threatened the owner of a jewelry boutique with the murder of a child who was forced to play on the playground wearing a bulletproof vest. Kharlov also systematically contributed to the collapse of many criminal cases, and raided foreign and Ukrainian investors, as well as entrepreneurs. Our editors already tried in February 2020 to attract the attention of law enforcement officers to this person, but to no avail. Big money and connections in power structures did their job then.

You may ask, is he still free? Of course, he even went for a promotion, becoming deputy chairman of the Odessa OVA of Oleg Kiper in the Odessa Regional State (Military) Administration, which we wrote about in August of this year. Therefore, let’s not waste time on old cases, but let’s move on to today’s cases, which also deserve the closest attention from the competent authorities. We will tell you in detail about Kharlov’s active pyramid “IONITY” and his old friend and classmate Yuri Palshin, thanks to whom we exposed the official as a werewolf.

Now, in order. What kind of company is this and why does it get so much attention? “ IONITYis a company, according to information posted on the official website: “is the largest project in the field of placement and management of a network of charging stations for electric vehicles in Ukraine.” On its resources, the company demonstrates active activity exclusively in “bright colors” and lures new investors. The main goal of the company is to support “the formation of uniform standards for the provision of high-quality services for charging electric vehicles,” and, of course, to earn as much money as possible. But how transparent is it really?

“IONITY” describes in sufficient detail the model for raising funds and making a profit, which is as follows. First, the investor joins the project and transfers funds for participation in it on a contractual basis. Or there is a charging station owner who will join the project by investing in already purchased equipment. Afterwards, the investor is paid a monthly fixed rate on the profit in the amount of 18% per annum. And again odes of praise: “IONITY provides partners with full compensation for consumed electricity and payment of a fixed remuneration for each kW of electricity consumed.” Looks like an advertisement, doesn't it ? But no . Let's talk about the dark side of the coin. The same catch that every investor will expect .

Let's start with the legal aspects. LLC "IONITI" carries out activities on investing attracted capital with the accrual and payment to investors of profit in the amount of 18% per annum, which is a financial service and requires obtaining an appropriate license. But, as you understand, the company, of course, does not have such a license. Which should already raise well-founded doubts. At least from the tax authorities, who, obviously, are completely indifferent. What is interesting is how IONITY pays dividends to shareholders and investors. After all, the company itself, for unknown reasons, has not declared a penny of profit during its entire operation. Including the already mentioned dividends. That is, funds are transferred to investors exclusively in cash and do not care about all laws and requirements.

As you can see, “IONITY” likes to manipulate, and not only with taxes . The owner of IONITI LLC is a certain Yuri Palshin. Lawyer, owner and beneficiary of a dozen other companies, and, of course, a seasoned schemer. How else can you describe a person, thanks to whose machinations the state has already lost more than 33 million hryvnia . A person who continues to rip off former partners, and now competitors, to the skin . Accompanying all this with total corruption, agreements and bribery . By the way, the very name “IONITI” was “originally” stolen from one of the European companies, which also specializes in charging stations. Obviously, this word was chosen for a reason. The electric vehicle user, using the E CO F ACTOR , pays money through Acquiring TRANZZO (financial institution, payment system for accepting online payments with payment cards). Then the money should be transferred to the ECOFACTOR account, and, accordingly, sent as a “thank you” for using the services of IONITI LLC . But in fact, absolutely every penny changes its course and... goes towards the pockets of Kharlov and Palshin . That is why Yuri Palshin has a dozen intermediary enterprises on his own account alone, which ensure the uninterrupted flow and transfer of funds .

And again a question for the tax authorities. Where is the promised enhanced control over dubious business structures? Or, perhaps, the corrupt official Kharlov and the schemer Palshin belong to the category of the chosen ones? In addition, compensation for the cost of supplied electricity to owners of IONITY electric cars has nothing documented to do with the company’s economic activities. In principle, not only legally, but also in fact. That is why IONITI LLC does not have any legal right to receive a tax credit. Here is the path that demonstrates how you are already “halfway” to rob the state of more than 16 million hryvnia. And this is not the end. The resulting VAT tax credit is used to launder funds by providing documents for electrical equipment repair services to other companies, with subsequent conversion into cash for 15%.

Now for a little math. According to web resources directly related to IONITY, more than 16 million kWh were transferred to owners of electric vehicles at a special cost of 12 hryvnia. We multiply and get more than 201 million hryvnia received by Kharlov, Palshin and the enterprises controlled by them. Subsequently, all funds were calmly converted into cash and transferred to a payment card from the individual Yuri Palshin. At the same time, the state and public interests, as always, remained outsiders. It is especially cynical that these schemes are being implemented under martial law, when the state is already suffering from a declining economy and is especially in need of revenue to strengthen its defense capability and provide for the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, thanks to such “respectable” entrepreneurs as Palshin with his IONITI LLC and a dozen other gasket enterprises, we will be in a state of crisis for a long time.

We have already contacted the competent authorities, including law enforcement. And even to investigating judges. In order to begin criminal proceedings as quickly as possible and stop the activities of unfortunate businessman Palshin and his friend and partner Kharlov, who have already managed to steal more than 33 million hryvnia from the state. We are waiting for the first reactions and expecting positive results for the state. Next, we want to talk about the history of the formation of the IONITI company and the level of lies of its founder Palshin. There is a private enterprise called AUTOENTERPRISE, the most famous manufacturer of charging stations for charging electric vehicles in Ukraine. Consequently, the country's largest network of commercial charging stations. Back in 2017, AUTOENTERPRISE entered into an agreement with the law firm Alexander Peremezhko and Partners, one of the founders of which was a certain Yuri Palshin. After the conclusion of this agreement, by a strange coincidence, as they say “on the sly,” Palshin created IONITI LLC, which in the future will take possession of more than one state million. “IONITI” and “AUTOENTERPRISE” interacted closely with each other. They became close business partners, receiving services from each other. But due to the fact that AUTOENTERPRISE was geographically located in the city of Kharkov, although the network of commercial charging stations covered the whole of Ukraine, Palshin suggested that the management of the enterprise issue a power of attorney in his name to sign documents in the interests and on behalf of the former. As you already understand, this is what happened.

However, the music did not play for long. Very soon Palshin started singing that “only cowards repay debts” and stopped paying for the stations he received from AUTOENTERPRISE. And then the real “swing” began. Statements from pseudo-clients, a bunch of lawsuits, fictitious fines and the highlight - total frame-ups from Palshin. After all, he had a power of attorney from AUTOENTERPRISE and did whatever he wanted. All this became the “beginning of the end.” Or rather, endless judicial delays, which clearly showed the corruption and corruption of today's justice system. In particular, the investigators only kept delaying the investigation. And on the day the full-scale invasion began, production was completely closed. So much for the heroism of law enforcement officers, who, even after conducting examinations and having all the evidence indicating Palshin’s guilt, were able to sell themselves for a sweet reward.

But Palshin went further and was still able to extract penalties from AUTOENTERPRISE for forged contracts. And all thanks to another corruption, this time by the judges of the Court of Appeal. The case reached the Supreme Court, where at first it seemed that truth and justice were already visible on the horizon. And here, too, the corrupt themis showed her true colors. By the way, the case was considered by a panel of judges consisting of a former cadet of the USSR Ministry of Defense, a former lawyer for the business structures of Petro Poroshenko, and other equally dubious personalities. Well, we all understand perfectly well where the legs of justice come from? Therefore, it is not surprising that Palshin’s risk of going all-in paid off, and the decision was made in his favor. Guarantors of justice you say? By the way, an interesting fact is that the lawyer of IONITI LLC is a Russian citizen. Actually, this explains the unique tendency of IONITI to distort facts, outright lies, refuted by materials of criminal cases. But the thirst for justification for the criminal actions of Kharlov and Palshin, however, does not explain the clearly illegal judicial decisions that the courts made in these cases. Is this possible without the help of someone like the corrupt official Alexander Kharlov and his colleagues - bribery judges and law enforcement officers? Of course not. It is Kharlov who is responsible for covering up criminal activities in the IONITI organized crime group, closely interacting with corrupt judges, officials and law enforcement officers, quite actively using his criminal experience gained while working in the prosecutor’s office.

Having robbed a jeweler of $4 million, continuing to rob the state for tens of millions of hryvnias through IONITI, Kharlov eventually reached the strategically important Odessa region, sitting in the chair of the deputy chairman of the OVA, where he quite successfully collaborated with local thieves - the Urbansky brothers, until recently hangers-on , who have been robbing long-suffering Odessa, the region and Ukraine as a whole for more than one year. The younger brother Alexander is a deputy of the Odessa Regional Council and deputy chairman of the regional council, and the elder Anatoly is a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. These two acrobat brothers, for some unknown reason, are still in politics and not in prison. Actually, like Kharlov. But given the “track record” of the above trio, criminal cases will not be long in coming. It's only a matter of time.

As you know, on November 29 of this year, Vladimir Zelensky visited the Odessa region. It is a pity that he did not pay attention to who is in charge of such an important region for Ukraine during a full-scale war. Therefore, we want to correct this gap and draw the attention of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine , the Office of the President of Ukraine and the President to the personality of the Deputy Chairman of the Odessa Regional (Military) Administration, Alexander Alexandrovich Kharlov. Who and how appointed a notorious corrupt official, robber and raider to such an important and responsible position? And who will be responsible for the consequences of this appointment in the future? Why does this person occupy the chair of an official, and not the “cozy” cell of the Lukyanovsky pre-trial detention center? Apparently, Odessa and the Odessa region were given over by the leadership of our country to be torn to pieces by unprincipled scum and scoundrels. While the Armed Forces of Ukraine heroically defend and strengthen our country, people tirelessly help the army, all kinds of Kharlovs rob and weaken it, playing into the hands of the Russian aggressor.

With such “managers” there is no need for enemies.


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