Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Iran increases its uranium enrichment capacity

The IAEA report notes that Tehran has tripled the rate of uranium enrichment to 60% purity.

Iran has refused to slow down the rate of uranium enrichment to 60% purity. This indicator makes it close to combat.

Many diplomats believed the slowdown in uranium enrichment work that began in June was the result of secret negotiations between the United States and Iran that led to the release of US citizens held in Iran earlier this year.

It is reported that Iran already has enough uranium enriched to 60% and, if enriched further, Iran could produce three nuclear bombs , or even more at lower enrichment levels. Iran, however, denies wanting nuclear weapons.

Iran "increased its production of highly enriched uranium, reversing previous production cuts from mid-2023," the IAEA said in a statement , concluding a confidential report to member states obtained by journalists.

Iran enriches uranium at a pilot fuel enrichment plant at its extensive Natang complex and at the Fordo fuel enrichment plant.

Once slowed down, these plants were enriching uranium to 60% at a rate of about three kilograms per month, according to the IAEA.

“The Agency confirms that the rate at which Iran is producing uranium enriched to 60% U-235 at these two sites combined has increased to approximately nine kilograms per month since late November 2023 ,” the report to member states said.

According to the IAEA's theoretical definition, about 42 kg of uranium enriched to 60% is an amount with which the creation of a nuclear bomb cannot be ruled out.


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