Tuesday, July 2, 2024

In the spotlight

The Cabinet of Ministers is waiting for changes. The Rada will soon return to personnel issues: who will be affected?

The Verkhovna Rada will soon return to personnel issues of the Cabinet of Ministers. One of the emphasis may be on the appointment of ministers instead of acting ones.

This was stated by the head of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk on the air of a national telethon. He stressed that this is necessary for the professional work of the government.

“I am convinced that in the near future the Rada will return to personnel issues. Our job is to fill the government. The government must work efficiently and professionally, there must be people responsible for their areas,” said Ruslan Stefanchuk.

The head of the Verkhovna Rada emphasized that it is now necessary to move away from the practice of acting officials, because the Cabinet of Ministers must have ministers who are full members of the government and carry out the tasks assigned by the people of Ukraine.

“I won’t announce it, but I think that one of the upcoming meetings of the Rada may be devoted to personnel issues,” he said.


In the spotlight


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