Sunday, October 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Kagal Mamaia is fully assembled again

The other day Natalya Veretennikova was released from the pre-trial detention center. Together with her father, she managed to avoid criminal liability for collaboration.

Lawyers for the daughter of Alexander Mamai miraculously managed to appeal the decision of the Shevchenkovsky District Court of the capital, achieving bail in the amount of 5 million hryvnia. The statement of claim was considered by the Kiev Court of Appeal on July 1.

In fact, Natalya Veretennikova served in a pre-trial detention center (probably in a “luxury” cell, as Minister of Justice Denis Malyuska promised - editor’s note) for only a month. On May 30, the servants of the domestic Themis arrested her without the right to post bail, but Mamaia’s kagal does not abandon her people.

The Kiev Court of Appeal ignored the seriousness of the article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - part 6 of article 111-1 - under which the outspoken collaborator was convicted. Veretennikova worked and will obviously continue to work for the Kremlin.

On May 29, searches were carried out in the estate of the former Poltava mayor Mamai and in the capital’s apartment of his daughter. Law enforcement officers and intelligence services found evidence of criminal activity against the state of Ukraine; subsequently, all the property of the detained Veretennikova was seized in the amount of more than 270 million hryvnia.

Among the blocked assets are three apartments in the capital, a minivan car and shares in the authorized capitals of two Ukrainian companies. Mamaia’s daughters did not comment in court on the further fate of this condition.

The year before last, the media agency “Last Bastion” reported that Natalya Veretennikova has a fairly profitable business in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. In Russia, part of the business of Alexander Mamai’s daughter, Liftinfo MSK LLC (Moscow), was registered in the name of her ex-husband Bogdan Sergeevich Kirichenko, but the company was closed in 2020.

Another enterprise, Liftinfo SPB LLC (St. Petersburg), is still operating. Its founders are two daughters of Natalya Veretennikova: Sofia Bogdanovna Kirichenko, Ivanna Bogdanovna Kirichenko and she personally.

We should not forget how the Zelensky-Ermak regime, meanwhile, oppresses and persecutes the patriots of Ukraine, while outright traitors live luxuriously in freedom. Eloquent evidence is the case fabricated by Portnov-Tatarov’s henchmen against Russian intelligence colonel Roman Chervinsky.

“We have not yet seen the justification for the court’s decision why the meeting was closed from listeners. In fact, among all the volumes, only one is classified as secret. The testimony of witnesses - both the defense and the prosecution - also does not contain secrecy. As for me, this was done to prevent journalists and people who support Roman Chervinsky from attending the meeting,” lawyer Andrei Iosifov commented immediately after the announcement of the judge’s decision.

Collaborators Mamai, Veretennikova, Boyko, Panasyuk, Geregi and others are free, but Colonel Chervinsky is behind bars. We understand this situation as nothing other than the deliberate persecution of a patriot, a defender of Ukraine, who did not sell out to the Kremlin Zee-gang, remaining faithful to the oath.

Source Bastion TV

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