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How did businessman Valery Mishchenko receive Medvedchuk's companies, confiscated in favor of the state?

Journalists believe that Kiev businessman Valery Mishchenko illegally took over companies that belonged to the traitor Medvedchuk.

Let's look at this scandal in more detail. Let me start with the fact that in the summer of 2022, the Lychakovsky court of Lvov arrested Medvedchuk’s assets, including the companies Academ-Club, Osokorki 7 and Orest.

A source of information

The case materials stated that the pro-Russian politician’s entourage owned them through a Cypriot company and a Hungarian nominee. Ultimately, the seized assets would have to be confiscated to the state. However, it didn’t happen as expected...

Indeed, despite the court decision, the actual arrest did not occur due to legal formalities. Investigators and prosecutors, according to Bihus.Info journalists, did not contact the state registrar to enter information about the arrest into the state register so that “no one else could sell, resell or rewrite anything.” And, of course, at the end of 2022 the companies quickly re-signed. The owner of the “Academ Club” became the Bulgarian Petros Togramadzhyan, “Osokorki 7” became the property of the Latvian Vadim Ivanov, the company “Orest” went to the Kyiv businessman Valery Mishchenko. Another company that previously belonged to Medvedchuk, Victoria, also passed to Mishchenko. Investigative journalists believe that Mishchenko controls two other companies through foreign dummies.

A source of information

Bihus.Info also noticed an interesting twist regarding this “Victoria”. It turns out that she is the customer for the construction of the Dnipro Island residential complex, which is already under active construction. And the developer is the company “Kreator Bud”, which has already become famous because of the history with the land and Mishchenko himself. Journalists discovered that the land here had a different purpose, but it was “corrected” to “for the construction and maintenance of an apartment building.” The police opened the corresponding criminal proceedings.

And now - an important point. All these companies are developers. And they lease land in the capital’s Osokorki. Where, of course, they plan to build residential complexes - and, as we see, they are already building them. Of course, this construction will be very problematic, since the companies, logically, were confiscated from the traitor Medvedchuk and by some miracle ended up in the hands of a businessman. Although the intended purpose of the land has been changed, it is doubtful. And people who invest in the construction of apartments in these residential complexes may not receive the desired living space.

A source of information

So who is this Mishchenko who puts himself above the state? Who is behind this businessman who is allowed to actually steal during the war?

I urge law enforcement officers to take into account the information of journalists and investigate the probable theft, as journalists call it, from the state of Medvedchuk’s assets. So far we have not received another “Voitsekhovsky”, “Elita-Center”, “Arkada” or “Ukrbud” - with tens of thousands of Kiev residents without invested money and apartments.


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