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How they defraud Kyiv

Despite the full-scale war, land acquisition continues in full swing in the capital. Kiev residents should know what criminal decisions ALL factions of the Kiev Council are voting for.

Now there is a full-scale war on the very survival of the Ukrainian people and therefore our team of People's Power, which covered in detail until February 24, 2022, almost every session of the City Council, now does not have such an opportunity, because our activists are either in the army or are engaged in our Volunteer Center Ua.Help. However, we see how, after a short break when the Russian enemy was near Kiev, since the summer of 2022 the Kiev City Council has resumed its usual land and budget derby, which Kyiv deputies are again engaged in at the vast majority of meetings of the Kiev City Council. And on April 11, the next meeting of the City Council took place, which we want to provide as another example of what those scum from ALL factions have been doing for the last almost two years, despite the full-scale invasion.

As usual, the vast majority of issues that the Kyiv City Council considered at this meeting were land issues. And the vast majority of these land issues in one way or another relate to the transfer and sale, renewal of land lease agreements. In turn, some of these issues were openly corrupt, in particular related to the latest illegal developments in the capital.

We would like to highlight individual, most egregious examples of land misappropriation that were carried out at this meeting, and at the same time provide the people of Kiev with information about which factions voted for all this.

This is what the Kyiv City Council deputies voted at the meeting on April 11:

1. In the very center of Kyiv, on Proriznaya 25 A, a new office center with shops, restaurants and an underground parking lot will be built on the site of a historical building.

The City Council sold the corresponding land plot “for the reconstruction of a non-residential building” to Zlatovlad LLC. There is no DPT for this area. At this address there is a building from 1892 - an outbuilding of the Gruber estate, which is an architectural monument. But now there will be another office center here - as if there weren’t enough of them in the center of the capital. Obviously, the Gruber estate will simply be demolished during this “reconstruction”!

2. A plot of land was sold for Ogni Obolon LLC, which is located under an illegally built business center at Obolonsky Avenue 1 B, st. Heroes of the Azov Regiment 12 B, 12 V (near the Obolon metro station, almost close to the Metropolis shopping center). On the site of this business center several years ago there was a MAF. Clever businessmen from Ogni Obolon acquired it and began illegally building a shopping center here. A criminal case was initiated, but did not prevent Ogni Obolon from obtaining a lease on this land plot. And now, having built a business center, they have already decided to finally legalize their deal and purchase the land under the building.

3. At Berkovetskaya 6, the Kiev City Council renewed the lease agreement for the construction of a new phase of the Lucky Land residential complex, which will be odious attackers - brothers Alexander and Andrey Nasikovsky, who ordered titushki to beat women and other protesters who fought against the attempts of these bandit brothers to build up the bank of the Dnieper on Nikolskaya Slobodka.

Another renewal of the lease agreement in the interests of the Nasikovskys is at Olegovskaya 36 (Shevchenkovsky district, Shchekavitsa locality), where they are building the Olegovsky multifunctional complex on the mountain, contrary to building codes and simply common sense.

4. The City Council did not forget about the interests of another odious attacker - Vladimir Zubik. His lease agreement on the plot on the street was renewed. Ivan Vygovsky (formerly Marshal Grechko) 10 B, where this ex-regional is building the Syretsky Gardens residential complex contrary to the General Plan.

5. At the same meeting, the City Council renewed the lease agreement for the plot at 8 Voenny Proezd in the Pechersky district (historical area “Busovoe Pole”), where the Fjord residential complex is being built. This residential complex is being built by ENSO, a co-owner of which is Ermak’s longtime friend and business partner, producer Artem Kolyubaev. We have written about this fraudulent character, who is the “wallet” of Ermak himself, more than once. Next to this residential complex, by the way, is another scandalous development of the Novopecherskie Lipki residential complex.

By the way, the way the Klitschko majority calmly voted for this decision is further evidence of the fact that there is no real struggle between Klitschko and the “servants”, and this is all just a “play for the public” to fool the people of Kiev.

6. The Kyiv City Council also took care of the interests of another capital developer - Nver Mkhitaryan, who with his son Arthur is building another residential complex in Pechersk - on the street. John Paul II, 12 (residential complex Taryan Towers). So that the Mkhitaryans could easily complete the construction of their “skyscraper”, which is destroying the historical landscape of old Pechersk, the Kiev Council renewed their lease agreement.

7. Of course, the Kyiv City Council could not offend the “elder” of the capital’s malicious mafia, the people’s deputy from the Opposition for Life, Dmitry Isaenko. The Kyiv City Council renewed the lease agreement for the completion of the Polaris residential complex on the street. Families Kulzhenko, 22 in the Obolonsky district, which is being built by Isaenko’s company Perfect Group.

And this is not a complete list of corrupt decisions of the last session of the City Council! We described those that we had time for, but in reality there were many more such questions.

Deputies from ALL factions of the Kyiv City Council voted for these clearly criminal and anti-people decisions: “UDAR” Klitschko, “European Solidarity”, “Voice”, “Unity”, “Party for Life and Peace” (former OPZZH), “Batkivshchyna”, “Servant” people" (link to roll call vote in comments).

And when some faction did not vote for one or another criminal decision from this list (while voting for others), then it in no way interfered with its adoption, although it could easily have done this by blocking the rostrum and the presidium of the Kyiv City Council. Separately, it is worth noting that all these decisions were also voted for by non-factional deputies, in particular former members of the OPZZh faction, who were not included in the “updated” PZZhTM, as well as the secretary of the Kyiv City Council - diploma falsifier and corrupt official Bondarenko.

Our Party of People's Power calls on residents of the capital to be vigilant, because under the guise of martial law restrictions, corrupt officials from the Kyiv City Council have even more intensified the land grab, which is now real looting. At a time when the Armed Forces of Ukraine are defending our land, the scum in the Kiev City Council continue their criminal self-enrichment.

We urge the public to monitor how deputies of the Kyiv City Council vote. These votes are precisely an indicator of who the deputy is working for: for his voters and the city community as a whole, or for his own pocket and for his oligarchic “sponsors.” If the majority of Kiev residents are not interested in this and draw appropriate political conclusions, then these looters will continue to rob and destroy our capital for years to come.

PS Democracy offers Ukrainians a real alternative, rather than remaining forever victims of oligarchic “negotiations”. Therefore, if you want the government to work in the interests of the vast majority of the Ukrainian people, and not the oligarchy and its minions, then join our team, which is developing a party that acts in the interests of millions, and not billionaires!


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