Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

How the ex-head of Zaporozhye Anatoly Kurtev enriched himself with humanitarian aid

According to the declaration of Anatoly Kurtev, the former head of the front-line Zaporozhye, for the entire 2023 he received only 565 thousand hryvnia, that is, an average of about 47 thousand hryvnia per month. But this is only official.

During all the time he worked for the state, Anatoly Kurtev never indicated in his declarations that he had any cash savings. That is, a person lived from paycheck to paycheck. Kurtev’s declared house evokes only emotions: the “people’s mayor” lives just like an ordinary Ukrainian in such modest housing.

Where the head of Zaporozhye actually lived was discovered by NABU detectives in the summer of 2022. Kurtev rented an elite apartment in the center of Zaporozhye on Shkolnaya Street, 52.

There is no record in any of his declarations about renting an apartment and the amount of money he spent on it. The Toyota Land Cruiser 200 did not appear in his declaration. And there was not a single mention in the declaration of more than 9 million hryvnia that was found in Kurtev’s apartment.

The secretary of the Zaporozhye City Council stole humanitarian aid received by the residents of Zaporozhye from international partners. Literally in the first weeks of the full-scale invasion, officials appropriated 22 shipping containers, 389 railway cars and 220 trucks containing humanitarian aid from Europe, which they then sold through business entities under their control. The European humanitarian aid was later seen in the ATB and Silpo supermarkets, and in the Optima and Low Price Pharmacy chains.



In the spotlight


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