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How they wanted to steal more than UAH 100 million from philanthropists during the restoration of Okhmatdyt

A tender was held for the restoration of the buildings of the Okhmatdet children's hospital destroyed by Russian invaders, however, the company that won the competition for repair work raised questions from investigative journalists

What’s wrong with the winner of the tender and what will happen next with the restoration of the hospital are explained by journalists from the publication “Our Money” and the Public

The scandal began with the fact that the “Okhmatdyt Charitable Foundation” strangely chose the unknown Zaporozhye company “Stroy-Technology” as the winner of the tender for the repair of the hospital building, which was damaged by rocket fire in July

Of the 14 participants, this was one of the most expensive proposals amounting to 307 million UAH (hereinafter excluding VAT). A dozen other participants offered to perform the work much cheaper - from 42 to 286 million UAH. However, the customer did not negotiate with any of them, without explaining in any way your decision.

An analysis by Our Money journalists showed that out of ten cheap offers, at least seven contained fully completed commercial proposals indicating prices for various types of work

According to “Our Pennies” from the competition participants, the companies selected for the finals were “DAK” (UAH 310 million) from the Altis group of Alexander Glimbovsky, Bud-Technology (UAH 307 million) from the Sensar group of the Zaporozhye developer Mark Marchenko and “ Mega profit group” (220 million UAH) by Alexey Lomakin and Yulia Kuzmenko

The customer’s working group held online meetings with these companies “Mega Profit Group” was refused due to unknown suspicions regarding its tax documents “GAK” was shoaled due to Glimbovsky’s scandalous reputation In July, Glimbovsky was detained in the NABU case of corruption carried out by his son-in-law Roman Nasirov, when he headed the tax office in 2015-2016

The customer entrusted the Capital Legal Foundation company to conduct a “legal analysis of the winner regarding integrity” and ultimately chose Bud-Technology as the contractor

At the same time, the customer, for unknown reasons, ignored the following problems in the winner’s proposal. For example, Bud-Technology indicated only the rental of such construction equipment: a Kamaz truck crane, a MAN with a manipulator and a JCB excavator. None of these mechanisms can be used for installing facades higher second floor Also, the company did not upload any data about equipment for installing tiles

However, Okhmatdet did not provide any explanation for ignoring cheaper offers. The head of the Okhmatdet-Healthy Childhood charity foundation is Evgeniy Vember, the chief accountant is Svetlana Rozborskaya

The explanation that, after the outbreak of the scandal and a press conference on the Fund’s page, was provided by Evgeniy Vember, chairman of the Okhmatdet – Healthy Childhood charity foundation, does not answer the question of why other companies were ignored, we are talking about only three that were selected by some expert council, two of which turned out to have signs of ineligibility (why they were selected was also not explained) The selectors were not frightened by the winner’s authorized capital of 5 thousand UAH (because they promised to quickly increase it for such a thing) and the lack of equipment (Evgeniy Vember explains this as normal practice)

Unfortunately, the authorities in the story with Okhmatdyt again chose the path of “fail and play,” notes the editor-in-chief of the publication “Our Money” Yuri Nikolov. The benefactors’ money will be transferred to the budget, and now they will have no influence on further procurement. The tender itself will now be transferred to “Prozorro”, but there are no guarantees that there will be no manipulations there either (last week, Golik’s sponsors through “Prozorro” siphoned off 1.3 billion for the renovation of a hospital in Krivoy Rog and whatever)

There are no guarantees because no one has been punished for this attempt to squander the charitable 307 million hryvnia. The head physician of Okhmatdyt Zhovnir put on an embroidered shirt and even seemed to shed a tear at a press conference, where, together with the Minister of Health Lyashko, they scolded some businessmen who decided to play tricks on something sacred - children , on which we chipped in with the whole world

These are crocodile tears

The fact is that during the press conference, these “wonderful” people did not answer one simple question: how was the Okhmatdyt charity foundation able to equally evaluate the technical ability to carry out repairs from a Zaporozhye company that barely managed to rent one truck crane in Kyiv, which in height does not even reach half of the building of the hospital, an excavator (why is it needed for repairing windows?) and a crane, and the company that previously built the entire building, and which actually has a lot of different equipment

So that you understand, a real construction company offered to repair Okhmatdyt for 178 million, and the Zaporozhye guest performers - for 307 million. That is, almost one and a half hundred million margins were the magical topic that led the minister and the chief physician to make manipulative statements

They weren’t punished for this. I hope they haven’t been punished yet,” writes Nikolov. Because the intention was too obvious to stupidly saw up one and a half hundred million

“You hire a company that you understand, sign a certificate for it that it replaced all the tiles, although in fact the rocket did not break all the tiles, and on the one hand the body did not suffer a penny at all And you have an intertire margin For one and a half hundred million, even Brad Pitt will cry)) It doesn’t matter . We will definitely follow the future tender at Prozorro and remember the shameful behavior of Lyashko and Zhovnir. In fact, today they did the same thing that Reznikov did a year ago, defending eggs at 17. They simply deflected the blow from the saws But everyone understands everything

For me, the most obvious evidence of their guilt is that they did not do the simplest option in this story. There were 14 companies in the competition. In my memory, this is a record among construction tenders in Ukraine, really fierce competition. So why bother again for a long time through “Prozorro” , if you can just take the same proposals, but now publicly re-assess, and explain every step you take, choose a contractor. Maybe, during the public review, they could see that somewhere they stuck something, somewhere they bent something And It would turn out that it would be possible to spend not 307 million, but much less. But no. Just swept all the pieces off the table as if nothing had happened

This is called evidence suppression. – the investigative journalist summarizes

After the scandal that this attempt at blatant schematosis caused, Vladimir Zhovnir, in a commentary to, with fear for the consequences, noted that he asked the public to become an unofficial supervisory board for now, so that they “understand the process, are experts, so that everything is as transparent as possible.”

“I planned to invite there “Patients of Ukraine”, “Zaporuka”, “Tabletochki”, Marta Levchenko from “City of Good”, Yuri Nikolov from “Our Money” - they say he understands construction”

On August 2, the head of the Ministry of Health, Viktor Lyashko, told reporters that after consultations it was decided that the hospital’s charitable foundation would transfer the collected amount to the treasury account of the medical institution. Next, they would create an audit and supervisory board based on the criteria

  • six largest philanthropists (who transferred the most funds)
  • representative of the Ministry of Health
  • representative of Okhmatdyt

and they will select representatives of the public and construction organizations so that there are no more than 15 members in total

This council will approve the criteria for participants in the new tender - according to the state procedure. They will also involve the supposedly State Enterprise “Medical Procurement of Ukraine”, which has significant experience


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